Monday, November 10, 2008

Wow, was that hard.

Rarely do I create two entries in a single day.
But had something that I needed to get out of my head and wanted to make sure that I got it right.
So we know that today was ironic Monday. I am still shaking my head over the whole Suburban driver looking for fuel efficiency.

This evening, I get home and it has been a bitch of a day. Didn't roll home until about 6:30/7:00. It was raining and cold. I am tired as I didn't get enough sleep last night. So just looking to chill out at home and curl up on the couch. Well, as much as I can "curl up" anywhere these days.
Given that it is Monday, and not a lot on TV --and too tired to think about doing anything around the house, I decided to take a nice hot bath. And Joe had cleaned the bathroom today, so I got to take one in a nice, clean bathtub -- added bonus.
I will caution, some might find the following a bit TMI. But I don't really care at this point.
In the tub and decide I should shave my legs.
And it wasn't like I had reason to shave my legs. It was just that I hadn't done it in ages and there comes a point where you just can't stand it anymore. So grab the razor and get to work.
Or at least tried.
When you have a gi-normous belly, the act of reaching for anything gets a little dicey. Managed to get the below the knee taken care of before I threw in the towel.
It was hard.
Not a combination you hear very often. I mean, we aren't talking shaving a yeti here. Just your legs. And not even the whole leg. Just below the knee. It kicked my ass, was totally uncomfortable and I am guessing at the rate my belly is growing, won't happen again until after this kid shows up.
Which brings me to my newest pregnancy bitch. People will see me, maybe haven't actually been paying attention to me for a week or so and I get this:
Them: "Wow. You got a belly"
Me: (internal dialogue) No shit, there is a kid in there that is getting BIGGER not smaller.
Them: "So when are you due?"
Me: "January"
Them: "Holy cow, you are getting really big for that much time left"
Yeah. That is what I love to hear. Now, I know early on I was complaining about people saying I didn't look pregnant. Now I look too pregnant. I reserve the right to just be annoyed no matter what.
Either that, or I am blaming it on the outfit that I had on today.
Here's hoping that is the case.

Now Watching (sorta): Monday Night Football.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

next time just have Joe do it!