Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I think I drowned Baby New Year in vodka

And I hope it doesn't have long term affects on either him or me. Or 2008 for that matter.
Happy New Year a few days late.
I took the days between Christmas and New Years off, so aside from ripping CD's onto my computer, I wasn't online all that much.
08' is off with a bang. Or a pop really. Spent most of yesterday with Lisa and Tara lamenting our fairly hungover selves. And as for the resolutions, well given that we ordered pizza for lunch, lets just say those started today. There is a reason I don't drink vodka that often. But Monday night, it was tasting pretty darn good. And at least it was good vodka. Yesterday would have REALLY sucked if it hadn't been.
Gary has moved to Des Moines. At least that is what his voice mails have said. I just haven't had the chance to call him back yet. He was surprisingly quiet over the holidays, which was pretty nice actually. Still not sure how all this is going to play out. I just know this; I have people that I consider really good friends that I see maybe 2 or 3 times a month because of our schedules, so I don't see myself dropping everything just to hang with him. Told him as much.
He thinks I am avoiding dealing with my mom by being uber-social.
I politely explained to him that I had a busy life before my mom got sick, while she was sick and don't see any reason why that would change now that she is gone. And then reminded him that --as he has told me numerous times -- everyone deals with this differently. So he needs to chillax.
I don't need some pseudo-shrink who's ulterior motives are getting into my pants telling me how to deal.
As for the other boy - don't even feel like going there today. Let's just say that he is one of my resolutions.
Other than that, not much to report. Working through the email jail that I got myself into while out of the office.
Oh, congrats go out to Klas and Nikki, they got engaged over the holiday.
I have some pictures from the holiday, will get those posted tonight or tomorrow.

Now Listening: Automatic for the People by R.E.M.


Maestro said...

At the very least, i think you drowned the weather pixie. Or she's wearing a red X tonight.

Anonymous said...

Happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Megster~HNY girly!