Monday, July 09, 2007

So long, farewell...

Ok- took a little break from all things electronic the last few days.
Blog, email, online anything.
It was sort of refreshing.

Last week was a week of goodbyes. Both good and bad. All goodbyes. Quite of few of them heading East.
Heather has officially joined my company in our Baltimore office. So after a whirlwind birthday and two days of training here in Des Moines, she jumped in the Grandpa-mobile and headed East. Its a Buick. Really, how many people our age drive Buicks? Then again, she did just get another year older, perhaps this is an omen. So she is getting settled.

Nate and Martine got on a plane on Thursday for 2.5 weeks to go get Noah. This is the good goodbye because when they get home, Noah comes with! See the link on the right to get the latest on their trip and see the newest pictures of him with Mom & Dad!.

Other less dramatic goodbyes ---
  • Lots of money from my check account for my car -- whee. On the upside, they came in a whopping $45.00 less than the original estimate.
  • My dirty house. As the cleaning peeps come tomorrow. I think I might have my mom convinced to hire someone to help her out. She needs it far more than I do. However, in terms of stuff in the house, I would argue something like a 1:8,000 ratio. 1 = meghan. 8,000 = mom. And I am not sure I am exaggerating.
  • The last of the three (yes, that is THREE at one time) cold sores from last week. Nothing makes a girl feel pretty like some serious cold sore action. That and picking up what I lovingly like to call my "whore medicine" from the pharmacy.
  • My crappy ass hair that is roughly 2 months overdue for a cut. I see my stylist tomorrow -- thanks god. I seriously was thinking about cheating and getting in to see someone else if this didn't get fixed soon. And cheating on your hair stylist is like, .... well. I am not sure I want to go there right now.
  • My large ass. I started running again today. Which is really awesome when it is like, 80 degrees at 6 am. Oh yeah.

And that kids is my list of goodbyes. And if anyone could expedite the good-bye of our esteemed president, that would be even better. At least before he screws up something else. Oh - if you want to see a great parody of the president and some Karl Rove/Dick Cheney hybrid, check out the movie American Dreamz. Totally a blast on the whole American Idol phenomena but the political sub-plot is quite entertaining.

Now Listening: 9 by Damien Rice

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2 seconds into your blog you have me laughing!!! Guess husband and I just bought a Buick!! We call it our Big Ass Buick...we had to buy it because our asses are too big for the cute little foreign cars!! -Kindra