Sunday, December 14, 2008

Here kitty, kitty ...

I will admit it, I am a cat person.
I better admit it, I have three of them. This does of course, bring me dangerously close to being the crazy cat lady. I have solved this problem by moving in with a boy and having a kid. At that point, the people to cat ratio will be back to 1:1. I think that absolves me from spending my life in layered cardigan sweaters covered in cat hair and losing track of how many cats I own.
I preface with this so that you can understand where I come from. Cat attitude is not new in my life.
However, the last few weeks I have been noticing a few things with the little fur balls that are either driving me crazy or have be just shaking my head in wonder.
Lets start with the drive me crazy category.
The big one starts with attention. I try to give attention equally. However, there are three of them. This means that not everyone gets all the attention when they want it. But it drives me crazy when I will spend a few hours on the couch doing not much of anything. Do they ever come over to see me when I am doing nothing on the couch?
No. Of course not.
The minute I am eating, drinking, reading or engaged in ANY activity, boom. There they are.
All three of them. At once.

And then, when I think they are calming down, they just start meowing at nothing. Or will sit there on the coffee table and just give me the stink eye.

And then there is the shaking of the head behavior...
Now, I am convinced that they know something is going on with this kid. Don't ask me how, but they do. I will come home, Joe is on the couch, all three cats spread out in their usual spots, and the MINUTE I sit down on the couch, all three of them are up in my grill. Wanting to sit on my lap. Like they know that their time for attention is rapidly coming to a close.
The other ones of late are specific to the holidays.
I was really curious to see what would come with the Christmas tree. Especially since it had been a few years since I have had one. And in actuality, it is not the LIVE tree that they have been bothering. In fact, they have all but left that one alone. Its the little fake tree that I have in the dining room and the Santa on the steps that seem to keep their interest. And if by interest, you think trying to eat their way through assorted fake greenery, then yes you are on track.
The big one this weekend was the newest one.
Our dining room has a built in buffet on one wall with a banquette seat in between. So the open shelf is readily and easily accessible via the seat. I have had little decorative things on the open shelf since we moved in without any issue.
Well, this year I put the nativity scene on one of the shelves. Shouldn't have been a big deal. And for 2 of the 3 cats, it is a non-issue.
But Boris, she has decided that she has it out for the nativity scene. And not just the whole thing, one figurine in particular.
Not the sheep.
The Shepard.
The three kings...
Oh no, my blasphemous feline has it out for baby Jesus.
Its the only one she chases.
So she tries to bat baby Jesus all over and I am waging a war of attrition with a water bottle.
I think it might be working, as she didn't go near it at all today.
Lets hope that mini-brain of hers remembers all this in the upcoming days.

So that is my cat bitch for the day.
Now watching: Sunday Night Football before I go back to reading more project management standards.
Good times.
Oh - added a few pics to the Flickr site of the nursery in assorted stages and the Christmas tree.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord baby Jesus, lyin' there in your ghost manger, just lookin' at your Baby Einstein developmental videos, learnin' 'bout shapes and colors. I would like to thank you for bringin' me and my mama together, and also that my kids no longer sound like retarded gang-bangers.

Just a little Talladega Nights for you...I couldn't resist the Baby Jesus comments:)