Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Not a Virtue

I will be the first to admit, I am not a patient person. My mother has told me that for years.
Patience, while it may be a wonderful virtue, is not mine to posses. Never has been.
Which is why this morning is really starting to piss me off. I couldn't get to my voicemail on my cell phone this morning and got routed to Sprints customer service center. Seems my cell phone has been shut off from outgoing calls due to an outstanding bill. I will also admit, I am not always the most prompt on that -- I always forget, so I go to the automatic payment option and figure I would be on my way.
Yeah, except my bill was $529.27 for ONE MONTH. Um. No.
So I get online and take a look.
I will accept the extra $90+ dollars over my usual monthly rate due to my rather excessive text messages this month. I pay $5 for an extra 400. Seems I used an additional 435 this month. That's on top of the included 400. So, tapping out at almost 1,000 text messages a month. I am not 15, I swear.
Ok, willing to bite that bullet.
The real goodness stems from an extra $273.24 in ambiguous "other charges".
I get on the phone to them, can't go to the store as I don't have a car (another update forthcoming) and I have meetings starting at 9 AM that literally run through 4:30.
I call the "Customer Service" number listed on the bill. Wait like, 5-7 minutes to get a representative. I mean really, how busy can they be at 8:15 AM - anyway. Get to a person, have to give her my phone number AFTER I have entered it. I tell her I need two things, 1) to get unlimited text messages added to my phone and 2) someone to tell me what in the heck these "other charges" are. She tells me for both counts, I need customer service.
Um, who in the hell did I call then?
So she transfers me. Of course, it was not a soft transfer, but a cold one. Allow me to dig WAY back into my customer service recesses and explain. A soft transfer, they wait on the line with you, explain to the new person what is up and then drop off. Saves you (the customer) from having to repeat yourself and get really annoyed. A cold transfer is when they just dump you back into queue and you basically start over.
Cold. That is me.
So, I get "Randy. I give Randy my number and explain the same set of issues. Randy tells me that the $250+ dollars in extra charges are a cancellation fee. For what, no one seems to be able to tell me, but there they are.
To recap - got charged cancellation fees for a "service" that cannot be identified nor that I actually canceled.
As of right now, I have been on the phone for 39:50 and I have only spent about 5-7 minutes of that actually talking to a human. I have spent the other 32:50 listening to horrible jazzy-hold music.
Go sprint.

For the car, it is in the shop today getting tweaked and poked. I am hoping (optimal word: hope) that it will not cost me an arm and a leg. I am trying someplace new today on a recommendation. That meant that I got a new shuttle driver this AM. One who proceeded to tell me about the $10/hour he makes, which is a great improvement over the $8/hour he used to make at John's Auto Sales or whatever.
And I didn't have coffee yet.
It has been a banner morning. And now, hopefully Randy will wrap up this crap before I have to go into 8 hours of meetings.

Now Listening: to the aforementioned jazzy-craptastic hold music at Sprint.

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