Monday, January 05, 2009

Talk about a buzz kill

I really hate it when a day ostensibly starts off well. On a Monday no less, and then goes to crap in like, 0.05 seconds.
I mean, last night I got to kick off new tv week with a whole new season of Rock of Love 3 on Vh1.
Its trashier.
Its WAY more fake boobier.
Its drunker (is that possible?)
And its on tour bitches!!!
Yes, Bret is taking his quest for love on the road. God love him.
So, 12 weeks of women in VERY close quarters, all vying for one mans, erm, affection.
Yeah, affection. That is what we are calling it this year.
I made Joe watch with me.
I mean, at this point, we live together. I have to fess up to the guilty pleasures.
And we laughed our asses off.
Quote of the night: "I mean, I am a Penthouse centerfold and I was the classiest one there"
Not sure what was actually funnier, the fact that we were watching it or the fact that our "commercial show" -- you know, the one you flip to when your show goes to commercial was Planet Earth on Discovery.
How you bounce between those two extremes is somewhat mind boggling, but that's how we roll.
It doesn't get any better does it?
Well, maybe ...
This morning, going for coffee as I do every morning. Place my order. Pull forward.
And get ready to hand over my money with the refill mug -- I need all the carbon credits I can get at this point -- and she tells me that some insurance sales guy is picking up every cup of coffee this morning. All I have to do is take his card.

So here I am, free coffee, still giggling like a school-girl over not one, but TWO beer-pouring on fights from last nights RoL3 and just prepping myself for all the new premiers on TV this week (yes, this is what my life has come down to) and I get to work.
And then the stupidity starts.
In spades.
All coming from one place, but jeebus.
And thus, my nice little good morning buzz -- on a MONDAY no less -- fades to black.

Now Listening: Raising Sand by Robert Plant & Alison Krauss

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