Sunday, September 07, 2008

Further signs of losing it

I was up early this morning as I can rarely sleep in these days. That and I go to bed WAY earlier than I used to.
I mean my big Saturday night was a trip to Target and making some banana bread.

Having re-read that sentence, I think I just threw up in mouth in mourning for my life.

For what it is worth, I ran into another girl I know who is pregnant and her husband works in the restaurant industry and minus the banana bread, she was doing pretty much the same thing I was.
Proof that I am not pathetic? Maybe. But I took it as such.

Among the many wives tales and myths is the concept of pregnancy brain. Or as a co-worker of mine calls it, placenta head.
The theory being -- and I think this one might have actually been proven by science -- is that during pregnancy, you have a tendency to get forgetful. Or scatter-brained, or basically blonde.
No offense to my blonde readers.
This has always posed a problem for me as I consider myself a fairly on-top of it person. Not to mention my job is highly dependent on me staying on top of details.

That stage being set, back to this morning. I get up, take a look around the house, and go to make some coffee.
Grind the beans.
Pour in the water.
Get the filter.
Turn on coffee pot.
Move on.
So about 10 minutes later, I am back in the kitchen ready for a cup o' joe and the coffee pot looks really clear.

I look again.
I have just brewed a nice hot pot of .... water.
Forgot to actually put the coffee in the coffee maker.
Very smart. And for someone who is not a morning person, REALLY annoying. All I wanted was a cup of coffee. The one cup of coffee a day I am allowed to have. And I wanted it right then.
Instead, I had to wait.
I mean, it wasn't like Juan Valdez had to go back down to South America to get a fresh pot, but it was the principal of the matter.
The exciting part of this? 4 more months. I mean, what if I get to work without pants or something one day? Can I expect to get that forgetful?
The joys of a uber-hormonal existence.

Now Watching: ESPN NFL pre-game. Yay regular season football is back!!

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