Monday, February 08, 2010

Balance...its in style!

I don't want to shock anyone, but this is my second post in one week.
Yes, calm down. I know that this could be some sort of medical condition inducing post, but I said I was going to try and post more often.

So I am working from home today -- clearly, working being the subjective team. We are getting more snow (shocker), Joe ended up getting sick last night and Finn was up from 3-5:50 AM. Those last two factors resulted in Meghan getting little to no sleep. And of course, I set my alarm for 6:00 PM, not AM -- and therefore, overslept on top of it all. The 3+ inches of new snow on the ground made the "stay at home" decision really easy. And its still snowing. We are supposed to be getting another 6-10" before it all ends tomorrow morning.
Suffice it to say, I am totally over winter. In all its incarnations.

So while I was eating lunch, I was doing a little online shopping -- well, online browsing. As given the financial obligations I have in the upcoming month, shopping for anything other than necessities is pretty much verboten. Looking through maternity web sites trying to find some work clothes -- I found these pants.
A few things immediately come to mind.
1. Please note the size. They only go up to a 30'. Which in pre-pregnancy sizing, which is what they tell you to base your sizing on, is like -- a 6? 8? I don't know as I haven't been close to a 30 in a LONG time. So they are pretty much saying unless you were a stick when you got pregnant, don't bother.
2. Um, hello $225.00 for a pair of maternity pants? Now, I will admit, once upon a time.. many, many moons ago, I would have considered spending that on a pair of pants. Please note -- consider. And that would have been for a pair of pants that I could have worn for more than 4-5 months.
3. This is the big one.... the FOUR INCH STILETTOS'. For starters, I don't think on a good day I could make those work. Two, there is no way on this green earth that any woman who is that pregnant could pull those off. Not only is your balance off, you are totally front loaded and frankly, being that pregnant and wearing those shoes is just.... not right. Now, I will wear heels. I will wear them for another 6-8 weeks depending on weight gain. But they are capping out at 2" tops. Of course, this could mean that I have just lost my edge, am getting old and crusty and need to officially check in the cool-card. This is a reality I am not willing to accept at this point.

I think it is fair to say, that I didn't buy the pants. Or any pants for that matter.
OK - I should be off, I have a conference call I need to get dialed-into.

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