Tuesday, March 31, 2009

60 Day Warranty

Mea culpa.
I have been very bad about posting lately. For what its worth, had a bit of a change in the schedule. Went back to work last week.
Uh huh.
Generally speaking, it wasn't all that horrible. I believe it was made easier due to two factors. 1) I was only working at the office half days and "working" from home the other half. 2) Finn still isn't in daycare.
The original plan was to take the full 12 weeks available to me through FMLA. However, in order to get paid for said leave, I was going to have to use all my vacation, sick and personal time to cover the leave. Well, do the maths there kiddies -- even at a slightly reduced work week (our official work week is 37.5 hours) I was going to need 450 hours to cover the whole leave as paid. And I only had about 6 weeks of that built up -- roughly 225 hours. I did get another week or so donated, but the bottom line was I had to come back.
Momma needs to get paid.
So I sucked it up and jumped back into the crazy current we call the workforce.
Don't get me wrong - I never had any visions of becoming June Cleaver and turning into a stay-at-home-mom. Not my scene. And the maternity leave confirmed that for me. And don't read that as any sort of indictment against stay-at-home-moms. If that is your gig -- knock it out of the park. I firmly believe that in order to be a great mom, girlfriend, friend, sister (fill in any other appropriate descriptors) that I need to be working. I need the stimulation, the engagement and the adult conversation. Not to mention, I have worked my ass off to get where I am with my professional life. I love what I do and I am good at it.
**steps off soapbox**
So back to work I went. And found myself in fairly unknown territory -- at work with nothing to do. HUH??
Seems my boss didn't quite figure out what he wanted to do with me, so I spent my first week back sorting through emails. Which was actually needed. Well, sorta. I have two work email accounts. I had roughly 1800 between the two of them. Now riddle me this... you know I am not here, why on earth are you sending me email? Not gonna respond. So I deleted all the emails from Jan & Feb and just focused on March.
The closest thing I can equate it to is starting a new job. It was like that except I knew everyone and had a rough idea of what I should have been doing, but wasn't.
Good emailin' times.
This now means that I should have much more "adult" content to be reporting on. And no, I don't mean like THAT sort of adult content, but not so baby-centric in my musings.

Which segues to my baby topic -- Mr. Finn turned 2 months last week. This means, like the good parents we are, it was time for another Drs. appt. This also meant shots. He aced the physical with current stats as follows:
Weight: 12 lbs 10 oz (gain of almost 2.5 lbs in a month and tracks him at 75th percentile)
Length: 22.5 In (gain of 1/2 inch. Tracks him at 50th percentile)
Head: 16 cm (tracking him at 75th percentile)
This all means that my dreams of having a tall kid were probably just that, dreams. And that in reality, he will probably just be average height and have a huge noggin'. But he will be cute dammit.
Then he got shots. Boo. I made Joe hold him for them. But he did ok. I will say that we now know what the pain scream sounds like.
He is also starting to talk up a storm. Of course, by talking I mean his version thereof. But when he gets going, he clearly has something on his mind. I just have yet to effectively been able to translate the oohs and aahs into something that we can understand. Time will tell on that one. But I think he is going to be a talker. Which I don't understand. I mean neither Joe or I are talkers.
Oh wait.
Did you sense the sarcasm? No? How about now?
We are doomed. The kid talks in his sleep.

So aside from the small drama of going back to work, things are good. We are getting back to (or redefining?) life as usual. I just have to remember to NOT be the parent that talks about poop and we will be fine. I caught myself being that parent last week -- and had to stop. Thanks to Beth and Carissa for putting up with the rambling prior to me catching myself.
Ok- back to it.

Now Listening: When the Pawn.... by Fiona Apple

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