Monday, May 07, 2007

Somebody has a case of the Monday's....

And it would be me.
Something about a rainy day just makes me want to stay in bed. Or at least migrate to the couch and just watch movies or something.

So Patrick is due back in the country at some point this week. Managed to get some R&R already. Which, if you ask me -- and for some reason the Joint Chiefs of Staff never bother to call me and ask my opinion on things -- is going to make for a LONG year tour when he gets back.
But, silver lining and all -- he gets to visit. Courtney is coming up for a visit as well. Which means I spent the better part of the weekend on cleaning house. And not sure that I got nearly enough done.
What else??

Congrats to my cousin Dan and his wife, Beth. Found out last night that they will be new parents sometime in the winter. Awesome for them. Of course, this has only fueled my mother's ever growing demands for grand-babies of her own.
I told her if she wanted fat, Irish grand babies, she should have said something sooner, as her window of opportunity has now passed.
That killed that conversation PRETTY quickly.

I am sure that I should have more to report.
Oh - small moral victory for meghan this past week.
Unbeknowst (sp?) to me, Joe's dad came into the Cafe on Friday for lunch. As he always does.
My friend Lisa was waiting on him and basically said to him "I am mad at your son". His response, "Yes, so are we." and then something about that being said, you can't live your kids lives for them. So, I get his family vote.
It seems like a slightly hollow victory, but I shall take it anyway.
Petty. yes.
Cheap. slightly
Confidence booster. you bet.

Ok - now that I am done with lunch, it is time to get back to work.
I need to get out of here at a normal hour today to finish up the aforementioned house cleaning/laundry as I have no EARTHLY idea when my brother is going to get here. Sometime between today and Saturday.
I hate people that can't plan better than that.

Now Listening: I Trust You To Kill Me by Rocco DeLuca and the Burden

1 comment:

bethm said...

Are you sure you're giving up the hooch for a while? I think we could find some solace together at the bottom of a bottle, or two. What do you think? You, me and a bottle makes three (and four and possibly five). You crack my shit up.