Tuesday, July 22, 2003

gorgeous day here in lovely iowa.
nice change of pace from the humidty that seems to follow you everywhere and stick to your skin better than a band-aid.
ideal day to play hooky.
just need some willing accomplices and everyone is being a responsible adult for some reason.

i need a vacation.
my attention to detail has suffered and dragging myself out of bed in the morning has become a cosmic battle. with the cosmos coming dangerously close to winning on several occasions.
last year i took a whole week and camped my pale ass on the beach.
for those of you who have not been, check out Dewey Beach in Delware. well worth the trek. spring break for the 25-35 crowd.
i was not pale when i left...not tan, more of a lobster red. but, did the trick. no meetings, no voicemail, no email...nuttin'.
loved it.

this year, alas, no beach for me.

which brings me to my "needing a vacation" comment.
i need one.
however, not thinking i am going to get one this year.
that is what happens when you start a new job...vacation takes the hit.
plus at my last job, overtime could be applied to vacation time. here, nothing. if i could use my overtime for vacation, i would have a month of it at this point.

so instead, i take a 3 day weekend here, a 3 day weekend there.
not the worst way to use vacation time, but not the same.

went to omaha this weekend.
city gets a bad rap. i lived there for 7 years (4 of which were in school) and it really is not that bad. especially in the summer.
saw a bunch of old friends. shocks me some times. not that i am tripping the life fantastic, or the rock style lifestyle by any means. but i still go out and have fun. of course most of my friends are single. most of my friends that i used to run with are all married and domestic and stuff.
if they are happy, then no big deal. i just still enjoy going out and being social.
although while there i had this horrible feeling that i was going to run into my ex. i have not seen him or spoken to him for that matter, since we broke up 2.5 years ago. the thought of seeing him kinda freaked me out. it is really easy to work through a break up and who you are when you don't have to worry about running into them at the grocery store or the bar/restuarant that you like to hang out in.
but, chalk that one up to meghan's flair for drama or her tendency to think too hard about some things. not a single glimpse of him all weekend.

so for kicks the other night i was checking out the local singles on match.com. one of those pop-ups while browsing got the best of me. damn marketing people.
anyhew...kinda funny. some people take that stuff seriously, others have a bit more tongue in cheek attitude about the whole thing.
can't really say that i found prince charming among the lot. although a blurry digital photo and some self-deprecating single paragraph on what you want out of a relationship are hardly worthy for quick judgement.
i don't think i could ever go that route. i kinda suck at the dating/small talk crap and that is how all those deals have to start. at least i think that is how they start.
of course, i still reserve the right to lament the lack of quality men in the des moines greater metro area.
although, one of the last holdouts in the dating game has been hooked. my great neighbor kim who is always available to go grab a beer or two and bitch about life with has met a boy. at a bar. at the same bar that my now ex-roomie met her fiancee.
doesn't that mean i am due?
really, he is a good guy. kim deserves it.

on a closing note as i have been all over the charts today, i have begun re-reading "still life with woodpecker" by tom robbins. for those of you that have not had the pleasure of mr. robbins prose, i highly suggest any of his books. i am partial to this one as it was the first of his i read, and has an amusing theory on redheads.
go to your local library (not the local college bar, not barnes and noble, the place where you get books to read for free) and check out a copy.
well worth the time.
who knows, maybe my outlaw bomber is out there after all...
a girl can dream.

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