Monday, April 30, 2007

A time for every season - including detox?

So I think it is fair to say that I have been doing a lot of self-medicating lately.
Which is code for drinking WAY too much.

Its the funny thing about a break-up. Each one has its own little quirks and not-healthy behaviours. Clearly, I have gone with the find the bottom of the bottle and live there theory. I think maybe it is time to stop and give ye olde liver a break.
I know, I know -- even a Smith liver needs a time-out every now and again. Hard to believe, but it is true.
Of course, I had no sooner decided that maybe, just maybe I needed to take this time off when low and behold I had the un-avoidable (inevitable/needed) run in with Joe.
Woo Hoo.
Timing was perfect as those things tend be.
So we talked. And yeah - its done.
There are a lot more details on that one, but this is one conversation I think I will be keeping out of the blog. Suffice it to say -
Done and done.
Said what I wanted, made my peace and with a slightly heavy heart, am moving on. Then followed it with an afternoon of drinking that I chalked up to the Drake Relays.
Any excuse I suppose.
So, like I said. Detox time.
Of course, I no sooner type that line than a co-worker tells me about some free drink night on Thursday that we all HAVE to go to.
No promises.

On a totally unrelated front -
I have moved my house energy out of doors. Basement is almost recovered from the flood. Now, we have commenced operation how-many-leaves-can-one-yard-REALLY-have-and-when-do-you-just-give-up?
The answer is somewhere around 20 yard bags.
20 - 30 gallon bags of leaves and sticks.
And frankly, not sure that you can tell the difference.
Yard goodness. Its been so long.
So, if anyone gets bored ANY time in say the next 4 months and wants something to do on a Saturday/Sunday -- give me a buzz. Fairly sure we can come up with a few things for you!!
Ok- I am out. Putting out fires at work and just needed a small break.

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