Monday, March 08, 2010

is there a timeline for compability?

In case you missed the memo, I am getting married.
You didn't know that? Really?
Surprise, surprise.
But we are. And of course, we are having a big, fat, Irish, catholic wedding.
Which means we had to meet with the priest before they would commit the date to us. So we did. Now - let me lay this out for you.
Catholic = old school.
Catholic = guilt laden.
Catholic does NOT = living together with your one year old and another kid on the way.
All those things aside, we still wanted to get married in a church because its a big deal. And our parents would collectively go ballistic if we didn't.
So here we were, meeting with the priest, getting this whole Sunday school lesson on how we should be focused on bringing God into our lives. Meanwhile you know that he was just thinking in his celibate, theological noggin what huge sinners we are.
The last part of the encounter is our "compatibility" test. 80+ questions with only three answers:

With questions like
"the idea of seeing my partner naked makes me uncomfortable"
"I struggle with the idea of my partner working outside the home"
and my personal favorite:
"I understand the Catholic Churches stance on why couples shouldn't live together prior to entering the sacrament of marriage"

Then after answering all these questions, the results are scored and there is a group of married couples that will serve as sponsor couples. Between now and the time of the wedding we have to meet with the sponsor couple 4-5 times. They will then make a recommendation to the priest as to whether or not we are suitable for each other.
Keeping in mind, all this happened like a month ago.
We still haven't heard back from the church.
Did they have to go the Vatican to find a couple for us? Perhaps a papal decree absolving us from our sins? Maybe the Pope has God on 1-800-Save-the-Sinner speed-dial to confirm with the man upstairs and St. Peter that in fact we are good for each other?
I know, I know -- probably not that big of a deal. But it just strikes me as odd.
Stay tuned. Hopefully there is a couple out there that can give us the green light.

Now Watching: "24" on the dvr.

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