Tuesday, April 05, 2005

April Showers bring...

so i have not been the best at keeping this up.
March has been the month of purging.
And not in a weight-loss, bulimia sort of way --
I have rid my home of every piece of junk, garbage and clothing that hasn't been used,worn or touched in like 3 years.
One thing good about this move is the cleansing aspect of things.
I am getting rid of a ton of crap.
To date:
3 trips to goodwill (3-4 heavy garbage bags of stuff each time)
Copious amounts of garbage -- so much that i have started rationing it out in the garbage otherwise we would not have any room.

Moving this weekend.
I will miss the house. A lot.
But, by the same token i am SOOO ready to just get this thing done and taken care of.
Will be so nice to have a cheaper rent and get some stuff paid off.
But the next few days are going to suck -- that much is for sure.
What else, been doing some thinking about -- everything really.
The more physiological purging if you will...
Trying to figure out why I am still not happy here. Why I feel compelled to be somewhere else...
I still don't know.
Grass is always greener -- all that. But, there has to be something else.

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