Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I think I just saw the bottom of a barrel, or is that a rock I just hit?

This Just In:
Meghan's Life is hitting all time lows
Details at 10.

Ok - so maybe a little on the dramatic side, but I tell you what, if this is cosmic payback for going on vacation then I take it back. The random shit that is going on in my life -- in no particular order:
boy has decided to just "be friends"
being kicked out of house
mom's cancer has spread.


**Please note the following descriptions will be full of pity, caustic remarks, self-loathing and general discontent with the world at large**

Ok - shall we start at the top, or just randomly attack the topics at large. hmm. choices.

Mom's cancer. So the little gremlins have spread. To her back. Specifically to her spine. Just doesn't get any better. So they have decided to keep trying the treatment she is on. Seems odd -- clearly it is not preventing the spread of the cancer, but we are going to stick with it anyway. I dunno. Not a doctor -- and I didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn last night -- but it would seem to me tht if it is spreading, maybe a new approach might be in order? I just get the feeling that I am not getting the whole story from my parents. Like I need to call the doctor directly and see what is up. But of course, they are not going to discuss that stuff with me. So I am left to the filtered information as provided by the family.

Being kicked out of my house. Well, maybe not really kicked out. Landlord told me last weekend that he wants to do some renovations this spring. Cool, methinks. Nope -- with renovations will be raising the rent by 20% and after renovations does not want pets in the house.
So -- as I am currently stretching it with rent as it is, no roommates in sight and not really wanting to get rid of the munchkins, I am left with one choice: find new home. Which sucks. I have been in this place for almost 4 years. Love it. My home. HOME. not some crappy place I rent. So I have begun the odious task of looking for new places. I need to get a move on -- he is giving me until the end of April, but still. I am going to be picky, so gotta start looking around.
Trying to take the high road here, change is good, can find a cheaper place, blah, blah -- but still bites ass.

And the winner of the day: "Let's just be friends"
So I come back from vacation, send off an email saying hey -- how have you been? And that is what I got back in return. I mean, it was much nicer than that. But still the bottom line was friends. Do I really need ANOTHER male friend in my life, much less one that is 5.5 hours away?? Clearly the answer is not. Sucks totally. So, I did the self pity party "What is wrong with me that a normal man cannot be attracted to me?" and had to kill that quickly. Then you do the "well he doesn't know what he is going to be missing" BS. Just sucks Back to square one all over again.
I am tired of square one. Ugh. UGH

So there you have it. The latest and less than greatest from my corner of the world.

And to add insult to injury, it is cold, snowy and icy here.

I need a remote island to go live on for a bit.

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