Friday, June 04, 2004

lame duck

so. give the notice. and all the sudden, no one seems to need me for anything.
kinda nice, but kinda a pain. why am i showing up? to surf? twiddle my thumbs? make everyone feel better??

heading out to the beach in a week. can't wait for that. seriously.
need some R&R that is not here. i need to be much further than a half day drive from somewhere. and, i shall accomplish that.
and the birthday is right around the corner.
gonna be 29.
excuse me? 29? me?

going to be pouring wine at a wine tasting tonight. should be fun. lots of people and i get to drink the whole time.
it will be a chance to maybe meet some new people and go from there.
should be fun either way.
so now my challenge is to find ways to keep myself occupied and at least ostensibily looking like i am doing something.
will keep you posted.

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