Wednesday, March 10, 2004

back from the dead

hello virtual world.
it has been awhile.
quite a long while in fact.
i can fairly sum up my absence in one word:

this is all i have done lately. major project has moved into production and hopefully my 60-70 hr. weeks are wrapping up. it will be nice to have my weekends back.
i missed my annual pilgrimage to San Francisco this year for the wine festival. Probably won't be making it to Chicago for St. Pat's (which is a mere week ago by the way)
have tickets to see damien rice in april. that should rock
gonna try and get out to DC in the next month...actually found round trip NON-STOP tickets out of Des Moines. for $213.
understand that it is a great price, but i am excited about the non-stop flight. those are the things of urban legend around here.

i have started working out again. fueled in most part by the humiliating experience that is bridesmaid dress shopping.
i know that i have put on a few lbs this winter... but ouch. getting measured and then hearing what your measurements really mean in terms of sizing... ugh.
so i have begun slow. 3x a week. 35 minute cardio and a light weight session. keeping at that pace for a little bit and will gradually work my way back up. baby steps.
but at least i am doing something.

might have found a roomie. this would be a GREAT thing. looks promising, i should know in about a week if it is a go. gives me time to clean the house. needs it. big time. a little spring cleaning will do us all some good.

oh- and i got into a car accident on the way to work about a week and a half ago. not my fault, and he has no insurance.
NOT a good way to start your day. especially when i had not had any coffee. so i need to get estimates from the body shop... actually 3 for the insurance company (MY INSURANCE COMPANY). but i have had no time with the work thing being all shades of loco.
so this week, will get that taken care of.i am going to guess that my german piece of plastic will cost a pretty penny.
i will keep you posted on this one.

um, and i think i might have a date tonight.
odd really.
rather round about sort of deal. sunday night we get done with all this work crap. it's like 8:30, i am starving and really want to celebrate the fact that this has gone in on time. well, most of the guys i work with are from india, and don't drink. they all went home together. could not get hold of any friends to come meet up with me. so screw it. i go down to the local brew pub, sit at the bar and have a sandwich and a beer. and chat with the bartender as there is not a lot going on in downtown DM on a sunday night.
so i was going to go home, but had another beer -- it was only like 9:45. and then the bar is starting to close. and the bartender keeps giving me beer. so we are chatting blah, blah... and they are going to another bar for some more drinks. he invites me along. so i went.
mentions that he is working the next night, i should stop by. some girlfriends mention going down there after work and so we do.
long story short.. we are supposed to get together for sushi tonight.
we shall see.

so those are the highlights from the last 3 months. seems odd. much more has happened... or maybe it hasn't.
but nonetheless..
i shall be much more diligent.

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