The first time I have cleaned my house in like, weeks. Big shout out to Courtney.
The first time I have been out later than like, 10 PM in roughly 6 weeks. And I enjoyed myself.
The first maternity clothes I have purchased. Eek. Although, I am further going to offer up the next first; they were purchased at a garage sale. I blame Martine. But hey, got some jeans for cheap and I figure, if nothing else, I will wear jeans.
The first conversation about baby names. THAT was weird. Especially as it was started by Joe. And sorta funny in that he was slightly off-put that I hadn't really started thinking about it. But I think we are tracking in the right direction on that one.
The first feeling of odd domestic-ness at my house Saturday. Courtney and I were inside cleaning the house and Joe was outside mowing the grass. It was oddly disturbing imagery.
First run in with a member of Joe's family. It was his sister. She gave me a big hug and was totally cool. So that was a relief. Not that I thought they would brand me with a big A or anything, they are far too good a family for that. But, you never know how that is going to go.
My first trip into Babies R Us as a pregnant woman. And yes, it is still the cash cow, money sucking machine it always was -- but man, the sheer volume of stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. Stuff that we now have to purchase.
And in a carry over of weekend firsts, today my first pair of pants decided not to button up the whole way. Whee. That makes you feel pretty. Let me tell you.
I will offer this up, I fully expect a whole myriad of firsts in the upcoming months (years?) but this seemed like a good place to start jotting some of them down. As I said, Courtney was in town for the weekend. Had a good time, got the house back into a reasonable state -- long overdue. Checked out the Des Moines Art Festival. And had I not just dropped some serious coin on my car on Saturday, probably would have purchased at the Art Fair, but alas, it was not meant to be.
Big week this week around these parts. Today all of Iowa goes non-smoking. And I am THRILLED about it. About time. I know that there are people that claim it is too much government, infringes on personal rights, cripples small business etc.
I say bullshit.
Public health people. Its better long term. And for the record, this passed in a legal, democratic way. Don't like it? Then vote. The fact that I can go into places and not walk out reeking of an ashtray has me more than a little excited.
4th of July this weekend. Will be heading up to Cedar Falls for my uncles annual birthday/4th of July party. Will also be announcing the pending arrival of the little leprechaun. So that should be be interesting to say the least.
Oh, and first ultrasound tomorrow. So will have pictures of the LL. Granted, it will probably look somewhat like a little alien blob -- but its our alien blob, so that makes it pretty freakin' cool.
So lots a goin' on. Oh, and work is like a constant fire-fighting exercise right now. Whee.
Now Listening: Virtual Insanity by Jamiroquai
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