Possibly ever.
And yes, I fully understand that I am prone to the "drama" and "exaggeration" but whatever.
We had our first ultrasound yesterday.
And frankly as firsts go, it was a pretty freakin', tear-creating, holy cow inducing of an event.
Of course, all this amazing-ness was preceded by an evening of very little sleep and a TON of completely irrational thought. Key among them was the idea that somehow, I would walk into that room, and they wouldn't find anything there. Like a false alarm.
"Sorry Ms. Smith, but while there could clearly be something wrong with you, there is no baby there"
Yep. Irrational.
But, fear not intrepid readers. In fact, there was a baby. A very ACTIVE baby. Moving all over the place. With all the baby parts that one would expect. And a heart rate of 170 BPM. Sucker was working hard.
It was honestly one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard.
I cried - which isn't all that hard for me these days. Joe got a little misty eyed -- which he tried to play off. Whatever. If there is EVER an opportunity for happy crying, seeing your baby for the first time should be one of them.
So we got lots of pictures. I will have to scan them in to post them, but stay tuned on that one.
Frankly the 3-D ones that they took actually make the kid look more like a blob than any of the others. And there is one that looks like it might have horns. Leave it to us to spawn a Satan baby.
Tammy (our tech) was very enthusiastic. Enough so to tell us that she believed that she could call the sex then and there. I should add, I was tracking at roughly 11.5 weeks when we went in. Based on size and development, she pegged me out at 12 weeks 2 days and adjusted my due date back by 6 days. We will see if the doctor will follow suite and make that official, but anyway - she indicated she knew the sex if we wanted to know.
Her exact quote was "I probably wouldn't bet my whole paycheck, but a good portion of it on it being a ......"
Or so says Tammy. We will get the official word out sometime in Sept. when I am further along, but she felt pretty good about it.
Suffice it to say Joe was beaming.
Actually the whole experience had us both beaming, but that one really sent him over the moon.
So I was so excited I came to work and told my boss. I was worried as there are no women in our management chain (another post all together) and some men just get weird about the preggo thing. Like some how I am defective or contagious. Anyway, he was great. Super excited and so that is now taken care of.
And breathe.
Like I said, amazing day. I will get the pictures scanned and posted as soon as I can.
Now Listening: War by U2
1 comment:
That's great darlin! So happy for you! Keep entertaining me down here!
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