Possibly hit a milestone this morning.
I slightly hesitate to offer it up lest the cosmos decides to correct me.
Drum roll please:
I was able to both brush and floss this morning WITHOUT gagging.
Go ahead, relish this information.
I about took a victory lap around the house with that one.
See, I have been told by a number of friends who have been in similar, erm, "delicate" states that somewhere between 10-14 weeks, you start to get some of your normal life back.
Granted, that is a somewhat loaded statement, as I firmly believe that 1) my life has never been nor will it ever, be normal in the traditional sense and 2) any sense of normal that I might have created for myself has summarily been chucked out the window and will be re-defined pretty much daily from here until.... Well, you get the picture.
BUT -- between these magical weeks of 10-14 you start to feel less sick, less tired and your body tends to accept all the rampant changes that have been dominating it for the last 9-13 weeks.
So, keep your fingers crossed that perhaps we have almost reached the summit of the first trimester and can look longingly into the valley of the second.
In other news, and I know you will find this hard to believe. The basement got water in it...again.
I swear, a weatherman in Minneapolis can spit and I get water in the basement.
Currently working on a possible solution to all this, so stay tuned. And no, it doesn't actually involve moving to a boat -- I will leave that to Heather and Sebastian :)
So, now I go back to work, as that is technically what they pay me to do here. I just was so excited about my morning that I needed to share.
Now Listening: Out of Time by R.E.M.
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