A part of my soul died last night.
Really. It hurt.
I was watching TV. It's sorta become my thing to do, as I have sacrificed my jet-setting, rock-star lifestyle for a couch-surfing, having-soup-for-dinner type lifestyle.
Hey, at least I am not eating the soup at like 4:30 and I can stay up past BOTH the Daily Show and The Colbert Report.
Moving on.
There I was, comfortably ensconced on my couch, flipping through the gawd-awful programming that is summer television, when I came across an ad for JCPennys. Now, I know, Penny's is not exactly the bastion of style and forward fashion thinking, but they are not that bad, right?
The ad starts out showing some kids in front of a high school A high school called "Shermer High School" and the opening notes of Simple Minds "Don't You Forget About Me".
Now, any self-respecting child of the 80's is going to immediately click on both these triggers.
Shermer High School = Breakfast Club = John Hughes genius
Simple Minds = premier band of the 80's = frequently used in John Hughes films.
But as you get into the ad your realize, these are kids from today, mimicking the moves and character types from Breakfast Club over a COVER of Don't You Forget About Me.
A few things on this:
1) John Hughes films are sacrosanct. They should not be sold out for an ad -- much less a JCPenny's ad.
2) The kids in this ad were not even BORN when this movie came out.
3) The kids in this ad probably have never even seen The Breakfast Club -- or 16 Candles or Pretty in Pink - you see where I am going with this.
Bottom line was at the end of the 30 second spot, the world was a little more dreary as a result. I am not entirely sure that I will be able to recover.
Now Listening: Whitechocolatespaceegg by Liz Phair
OMG! We saw this the other night and I pretty much shouted my horror across the aparment...not selling this generation!!
Thanks for the laughs!
i'm going to concur - haven't seen the ad, glad i haven't seen the ad, sorry the ad actually exists.
but was anthony michael hall in it? i'm just saying - dude needs the money.
I take it this was the same add we saw before the Batman movie the other night! And use a little piece of my soul died at that moment too.
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