Work has been pretty nutso the last few days, so I haven't been able to post. I am actually doing this post between printing at least 10 acres of rain forest worth of paper for the mammoth 4 hour meeting I have this afternoon.
I feel so environmental.
Ok, maybe not at all.
So, been doing some thinking -- and I may have come to the conclusion that it is time to think about throwing the proverbial hat back into the proverbial dating ring.
My instant thought is: UGH.
Dating in Des Moines is somewhat like
- finding a needle in a haystack
- wading through a puddle of ick and mire
- drowning in a cesspool
Perhaps I exaggerate just a smidge. But, I am not that far off.
So, even though I still have this lingering icky feeling when I contemplate dating someone new, I think it is time to get back into things. At least start seeing what is out there. Not that I am expecting a huge change from 8 months ago.
Here are some of the options that have been kicked around
- Online
- Church
- Work
- Street corner
Kidding on the last one.
Lets tackle our options and see how they play out.
Online. Well. Yes. I have been down this road several times with little to no success. Went on a few dates, sorta dated someone in St. Louis (yes, it makes perfect sense) and really watched the whole thing turn into a source of entertainment rather than a viable way to meet people in Des Moines. See shining examples of my various online forays here, here and here.
And then there is the question of which one do you go with? -- has a local site AND -- wait for it -- you can send virtual roses. ooh. hold me back. aka The Army
or the big daddy
Executive Iowa Dating. Which technically isn't a online service, but doesn't really fall anywhere else. And I have 3 months left on my very pricey subscription.
So many choices. So little time. Not really the case, but still I have to pick one. There is a certain sense of desperation that you sense when you find the same people on multiple sites. And trust me, DSM is small enough that you DO actually run across the same people from time to time.
On a scale of 1-5, (5 being the highest) I would rate the online option as a: 3.5
Um. yeah. It seems simple enough. Go to church. Find the singles group. See what happens.
But there are two complications in that equation.
1. Go to church. Don't really do that very often. Or really at all. So it seems a little hypocritical. Plus, which church? I was born, raised Catholic, but there are other options. My parents don't really view it that way, but hey. It still raises the whole hypocritical flag.
2. In my personal history, the only people I ever saw or heard about actually going to a church singles group were at least 50+ years old.
This option does not resonate highly with me, I give it: 1.5
Slippery slope this one. Technically Joe and I met at work. Albeit my partime, 2x a month bartending gig, but work it was. So, I didn't see him every day and restaurants, well, restaurants have enough drama to fuel a soap opera for a whole year, so this wasn't out of the ordinary. Which is why it didn't bother me.
Clearly THAT worked out well.
But when I say work, I tend to think the 9-5 gig that pays the bills. That said, not a lot of people at work that would even capture my interest. And even if they did, its WORK. I suppose if you worked in separate departments it would be ok. And at the new place, we are big enough where that is clearly a possibility. Old job, too small, no way. But this is one that I am not totally comfortable with. Maybe I just need to get over it.
Ranking: 2
And yes, I was kidding about the corner.
And there we have it. Top runner as of right now, Online. Still not sold on any of them as shining examples, but willing to give it a go.
I shall keep you posted.
Oh, and we had Martine's shower on Sunday. Had a ton of fun, and a ton of leftovers -- do I hear anyone begging for some potato casserole? I thought not.
And she got a TON of stuff. I mean a ton. I honestly think they need a new house already, and Noah hasn't even come home yet. Insane. But, it was fun.
Now Listening: I Trust You To Kill Me by Rocco DeLucca & The Burden
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