So I promised to get better about posting while on leave. Seems I don't have as much to comment on as I am spending most of my days at home, talking to myself or a 3 week old that doesn't respond and thus, don't have much interaction with others to make snarky, bitchy, off-hand comments about.
Don't take this as a sign of going soft. Far from it -- motherhood hasn't robbed me entirely of my need to provide smart-ass color commentary on the world around me. Its just the fodder here at the house is pretty limited.
So how have I been filling my hours you ask?
Well lets see --
It goes a little something like this:
Get woken up by baby at roughly 6 AM -- feed baby.
Change baby diaper or hand off to Joe to do the deed.
Go back to sleep.
Wake up at roughly 8 AM when baby starts crying again
Feed baby.
Change diaper and outfit.
Move downstairs.
Try and get a few things done around the house while baby is sleeping.
Feed baby.
Change baby.
Change baby again as he really likes to wait and crap his pants only AFTER I have a clean diaper on him.
Stare at baby for a little bit.
Feed baby
Change baby
Maybe get a shower in....
You picking up on a theme here??
Now, don't get me wrong. He is awesome, and I love the living hell out of him, but when they say that you will be feeding a kid a lot, they are not lying.
I am a mom-cow.
Yep - one big feeding frenzy at my house these days. And not because Joe has decided to start cooking like a mad-man.
In other news we had our first family pictures/Finn's newborn pictures done yesterday. Paige Peterson did them -- same woman that did our maternity pictures (link to her site is on the left). She actually came to the house and took them -- which was a good thing. I have been telling everyone that Finn is a good baby, which he is. However, yesterday he decided to be a pain in the rear right at the same time that we were supposed to be smiling for the camera. But we made it through - Paige was a trooper and hung with us while we got his highness calmed down enough between pics. I am pretty excited to see the proofs. Should be 7-10 days.
Aside from that, nothing new to report.
Now Watching: Sesame Street - it seemed like a better background option for Finn, than say, Law & Order. However, I was bummed when I realized I only recognized two characters right away. I am old.
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