I am still here. Just been slightly distracted the last 10 days or so....
I feel like I should have SO much to report on to everyone. So lets start in no particular order
Hormones. Those whirling dervishes of goodness that were the bain of my existence during pregnancy are wielding their considerable power again. This time in the form of extreme emotional outbursts. Today it was those stupid ASPCA commericals with the sappy Sarah McLachlan song that goes with them. And they aren't stupid really. Its a great cause, but I was about to go over the edge this morning.
C-Sections. There was a number of reasons I wanted to avoid one. First of all, I have never had surgery. The closest I have gotten was getting my wisdom teeth extracted when I was a freshman in college. So, the unknown factor was kinda freaky in my mind. And then there is recovery. So you can't drive for 2 weeks following surgery -- which I broke the rules and drove yesterday a whole two days ahead of schedule. It was a 10 minute errand to the bank that would have taken 30 if we would have bundled Finn up and so on. Stairs are less of a bitch than they were a week ago -- but still can kick you in the ass. And I can't lift anything heavier than Finn for the next 4 weeks. Do the math, 9.5 lbs is not that much. I mean, I can't even lift a 12 pack of soda. Oh, and I now have a scar across my pelvis that I am not sure what it will look like when its all said and done. Not that my pelvis gets a lot of visibility, but still.
However, the reasons for it were legit -- the kids head was 13 cm in diameter and his torso was 14.
As a friendly reminder, the cervix only goes to about 10 cm. That means he had an extra 3-4 cms of baby to squeeze through. In my mind, that math doesn't add up.
And pants. Don't get me wrong, I have zero expectations around regaining my figure this quickly. I am not that naive. So wearing maternity pants a little longer isn't a big deal. However, with a incision right across your pelvis, it eliminates a good portion of the pants that I was wearing. So, I am down to like 2 pairs of pants to wear. And they were not the favorites when I was pregnant. Although I am not really leaving the house, so not sure why I would be so concerned about how I look.
Sleep. Everyone says that you should get used to not sleeping. Telling you that and the reality of it are two totally different things. Its funny, Joe and I used to be up to 0'dark thirty on a regular basis. Now we both will fall asleep on the couch at like 11. Of course, when we stayed up till all hours of the night, we would sleep in till noon or something insane like that. Those days are long gone, to say the least.
Cabin Fever. I have now been in this house for 2 weeks with very little outside entertainment. And by entertainment, I mean just leaving the house. The grocery store was a big deal on Thursday, just because I got out of the house. Not to mention that I miss my friends. Not that Joe hasn't been great -- he has. And we got a Wii -- so that has helped pass the time. I rock at bowling, which is very ironic given my checkered actual bowling past. And I need to work on my Iron Chef skills. Yes, there is an Iron Chef Wii game -- it was the first one that Joe bought.
But I need some girl time here pretty quickly.
My house. Since I am limited on what I can and can't do, the clutter factor has gotten pretty high pretty quickly. And baby stuff has taken over. Everyone told us this would happen and to just find a way to get over it. Most days I do, but every now and then, it does drive me loco and I have to de-clutter a little bit. Which lasts all of about 20 minutes, but it helps.
And on the good -- make that amazing - side, there is Finn.
I can stare at him for hours on end. He is a really good baby. Has a mini-meltdown about once a day, normally in the evening, but aside from that, awesome. He makes us laugh with his insane faces while he sleeps. The crazy positions that somehow he seems comfortable in. And of course, all the little noises. Its cliche, but after two weeks I cannot imagine my life without him in it.
I promise to get back on the blogging wagon with a little more regularity here in the upcoming days, weeks etc. We are still working on schedules and such. And by working on schedules, I mean that one day its feeding every hour, the next its every 3 -- so we don't really have a schedule.
Now Watching: Joe play Tiger Woods Golf on the Wii.
1 comment:
Just wanted to say that I TOTALLY understand where you are coming on everything(guess not the C-sect)but still, everything else is so recently familiar!! Imagine doing all that with a crazy 20mth old needing your attention at the same time! Enough to drive me to the loony bin on some days. I would LOVE to stop over someday..maybe I can drop Ethan at a friends for a bit so it can just be baby and mom time! It is so new, and crazy at first, and for a while for that matter..but then you seem to just find your groove and the baby really does eventually work himself into his own "schedule". Sounds like you are experiencing everything that a new mom goes through..especially the crying spells..man I had that really bad first time around. Take care, and just know everyone is thinking of you guys!
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