Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The over/under

While we are not giving an over/under for this kids arrival, I have been keeping an eye on the "bets" that have come in for the size and delivery stats.
A few things for the record.
  1. I should have had a cheap buy-in -- even at $5 I would have made some money. Damn hindsight.
  2. Some of you really don't like me -- you have some huge baby weight on your votes. Just remember karma is a bitch.
  3. While my original lure was just bragging rights, I think given we have had such great response, we will throw in some adult beverages to the winner. I mean, that is the least we can do. My original thought was to give the winner a night with the kid so Joe and I could go out. Not sure that is a reward -- who knows?
We have eliminated 2 people already -- my early birds Deb & Lindsay are out. They had yesterday and today respectively.
Next vote doesn't hit until the 11th -- my cousins wife Kara is convinced beyond a doubt that the full moon will kick this kid into gear.

And on what has become a regular pregnancy feature, my bitch of the day....
If one more, and I mean ONE MORE, person says to me in the office "Oh, you are still here?" I am going to kick some serious ass.
Yes, I am still here. I will be here until this kid shows up. And as my ESP is a little shaky these days, I do NOT know when that will be.
And unless you -- odd co-worker or two - are planning on donating vacation time to me so I DON'T have to be here stop asking the freakin' question.

Now Listening: 808s & Heartbreak by Kanye West

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