Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Good Day/Bad Day

It is done.
The era has ended.
I felt a huge surge in the force as order was restored.
W is out the door. Now we are just faced with cleaning up 8 years of domestic and foreign policy that has left us with the current clustered-state-of-the-union.
But its a start.
And watching everything yesterday was just really cool.
And more than a little jealous of friends that were there in person. But thems the breaks.
I feel like I should be writing a novella on the election and inauguration. But just not feeling the love for a long entry.
And the reason why -

Baby update:
Had our appointment on Monday -- our due date. And well, nothing has changed, other than my weight. Grr.
So, still sitting at 2 cm dilated and nothing new to report. So we are now scheduled for induction on Sunday, starting at 8 pm if he doesn't arrive between now and then.
Suffice it to say I was a little annoyed and frustrated with the world on Monday. We are holding out that maybe (just maybe) he will get motivated and decide to do this on his own, but I am not feeling really confident that will be the case.
So I am now working from home for the rest of the week. Which is probably a good thing, as I was borderline homicidal with co-workers on Monday and yesterday.

Now Listening: Get Born by Jet (coincidence, I think not)

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