We have made it.
As a nation, the big day is here. No more ads, no more rallies, no more SNL parodies (sadness).
Go vote people.
I did.
Although I was ultimately let down as I didn't get an "I Voted" sticker. I mean, come on -- its the accessory of the year.
I was bummed. But getting over it, thanks for asking.
We did have a small glitch in the process this morning.
Not the long lines, I waited until about 8 AM rather than when the polls opened at 7 and was fine.
Its because we moved. I stayed in the same zip code, but my voting precinct changed.
And it confused the hell out of the 3 volunteers that were all easily 70+ years old.
They just weren't sure what to do with me.
Suffice it to say that after a few forms, a proof of residency, my drivers license, Social Security Card, blood sample and the promise to give up the Little Leprechaun to the Polk County Auditors office for 7 years of indentured servitude, they let me cast my ballot.
The wait: almost 40 minutes.
The act of voting: 5 minutes
And of course, being pregnant and just standing there sent the aforementioned 70+ year old women into a fit.
"Sweetie, sit down please"
"Are you sure we can't get you a chair"
"Do you need anything?"
Yes - I needed to vote.
Really, it was sweet, but nothing makes people more uncomfortable that a pregnant woman standing.
Trust me, sometimes I want to stand.
And keep in mind, this polling station is a 1/2 a block from a retirement community. The median age there had to be easily 65 years old and there were more walkers and canes in the waiting area than anything else. And they were worried about me?
I am surprised they didn't have an EMT permanently stationed there.
The vote is cast, the deed is done.
I will miss out on several options for watching returns tonight because we have our birthing class.
So I will be getting updates on my cell as I am probably missing some key point that the instructor will be making.
So if you haven't voted yet -- get yer' ass out there and do it!!!
Now Listening: Getz/Gilbreto by Stan Getz & Joao Gilbreto
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