Sunday, November 09, 2008

The General Idea

Ok - So for whatever reason, I am having issues getting these pictures formatted the way that I want them. And keep in mind, I took these with my cell phone as the "real" camera is on the fritz. But this is the furniture that is in the nursery. Of course, there is nothing on the wall, no rug, no bedding -- hell, no mattress at this point, but you start to get the general idea.
And we still have a glider on order. Big thanks to Grandpa & Grandma McConville for that one. Oh - and we will be changing the drapes as well.
Pretty low-key weekend around these parts. A lot of football that is continuing into today. I have been battling the nagging possibility of a cold for the last few days. Convinced that the only reason that I haven't gotten into a full blown crap-tastic cold at this point is my pre-natal vitamins are keeping me in on the verge of pretty healthy.
Started talking about holidays this weekend. Can I just say (and I knew this, but just re-enforcing the fact) that juggling holidays with two families in two locations is REALLY a pain in the ass. Such that this year, I think we are going to go solo on Turkey Day to keep sane. Otherwise it would have translated into alot of driving (in two cars no less) and not a lot of time with either family. That got squarely into the category of colossal-pain-in-our-ass. Christmas, on the other hand is a full blown you-can-come-to-me affair this year.
So that is about all I have to report on this sorta overcast Sunday afternoon.
Now Watching: The Bears vs. The Titans (Bears up, 7-0)

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