And we still have a glider on order. Big thanks to Grandpa & Grandma McConville for that one. Oh - and we will be changing the drapes as well.
Pretty low-key weekend around these parts. A lot of football that is continuing into today. I have been battling the nagging possibility of a cold for the last few days. Convinced that the only reason that I haven't gotten into a full blown crap-tastic cold at this point is my pre-natal vitamins are keeping me in on the verge of pretty healthy.
Started talking about holidays this weekend. Can I just say (and I knew this, but just re-enforcing the fact) that juggling holidays with two families in two locations is REALLY a pain in the ass. Such that this year, I think we are going to go solo on Turkey Day to keep sane. Otherwise it would have translated into alot of driving (in two cars no less) and not a lot of time with either family. That got squarely into the category of colossal-pain-in-our-ass. Christmas, on the other hand is a full blown you-can-come-to-me affair this year.
So that is about all I have to report on this sorta overcast Sunday afternoon.
Now Watching: The Bears vs. The Titans (Bears up, 7-0)
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