Yesterday was Thank You/Fun Day at work.
With some Ugly Shirt/Tie competition thrown in for good measure.
Yes, it smacked of a scene from Office Space, complete with pre-determined funny clothing (Hawaiian shirts vs. ugly ties -- really one in the same)
My thinking on Fun Day is if you have to designate a day as FUN, then it probably won't be.
There were games. Food. Hourly drawings. Balloons. I mean, if you can't have fun with balloons, what kind of person are you?
Me. That's what kind of person. I didn't really boycott fun day as much as I just omitted it from my day.
My thinking is this, as a company they can't really incent us the way they should -- bonus, raise, god-forbid promotion -- so we will give away some corporate apparel and throw out some cheap nachos and M&M's for the day.
Yep. That should keep em' all in check.
Or just smack you upside the head with the blindingly obvious fact that FUN is not something that happens around here since we had to designate a day for it.
Can you tell I am a little cynical about all this?
Just a smidge.
Had another round of birthing classes last night. I am pleased to report it was devoid of any 80's power ballads. It was however, depressing as hell.
Here are the topics we covered:
Postpartum depression
Postpartum psychosis
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Yep. Uplifting. Not to say these aren't important topics to discuss, but all at once? Damn.
I have to imagine the mood was similar to all the Republican offices around the country for the last few weeks.
-had to get that in
Today work is ghost town. So, I should be able to get work done. Now that's FUN!!!
Actually, my thought is, if it stays quiet, I am gonna just stealthly leave after the lunch hour.
I have to bake a pie today or tomorrow AM.
Make me a pie bitch!!
Actually, it will be two pies. Both apple. And not to brag, but they are pretty damn good.
Tomorrow I head West to Omaha for the weekend. Turkey, football, family events, and a baby shower.
Actually should be a good time. Bummed that Joe won't be coming as everyone was asking about him, but like I said -- too-hard-category.
And then we are staring down the barrel of Christmas.
Ok - back to the salt mines.
Now Listening: Our Endless Numbered Days by Iron & Wine
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
November showers bring...
Lots of stuff.
Specifically, lots of baby stuff. So I went home this weekend for a shower with my mom's friends. We had a really nice time. Good to see everyone and they went a little overboard. I now have another huge pile of stuff in the living room that we need to go through and wash, and of course write thank-you notes for.
Side note: I do have the thank yous from the last shower done, I just don't have stamps. And how often do you go to the post office these days? Exactly. I just need to get my butt to the post office at a time when it is open and they will be in your actual mailboxes. Novel idea when you think about it.
So, shower was good. Managed to catch up with a high school friend as well.
And then I brought home some Christmas stuff. I say some. My mother was a bit of a collector. Collector of many thing, including Christmas decorations. We have enough to decorate each room in the house like it was the ONLY room in the house that we wanted to decorate. Now the challenge was/is digging it all up. Many boxes all over the house. Some labeled, some not. But dug we did and managed to find stuff that I would want in the house for the holidays.
So between the shower gifts and the Christmas decorations the Mom-mobile was totally stuffed.
And like I said, it now all sits in my living room awaiting some sort of organization.
And here I sit, watching TV, sorta doing laundry and not doing a thing about the large pile of stuff that is cluttering my living room. Hey -- I have Wednesday right?
Ok - dryer went off and I am sure there is another load of laundry floating around this place somewhere.
Now Watching: MNF or Law & Order
Specifically, lots of baby stuff. So I went home this weekend for a shower with my mom's friends. We had a really nice time. Good to see everyone and they went a little overboard. I now have another huge pile of stuff in the living room that we need to go through and wash, and of course write thank-you notes for.
Side note: I do have the thank yous from the last shower done, I just don't have stamps. And how often do you go to the post office these days? Exactly. I just need to get my butt to the post office at a time when it is open and they will be in your actual mailboxes. Novel idea when you think about it.
So, shower was good. Managed to catch up with a high school friend as well.
And then I brought home some Christmas stuff. I say some. My mother was a bit of a collector. Collector of many thing, including Christmas decorations. We have enough to decorate each room in the house like it was the ONLY room in the house that we wanted to decorate. Now the challenge was/is digging it all up. Many boxes all over the house. Some labeled, some not. But dug we did and managed to find stuff that I would want in the house for the holidays.
So between the shower gifts and the Christmas decorations the Mom-mobile was totally stuffed.
And like I said, it now all sits in my living room awaiting some sort of organization.
And here I sit, watching TV, sorta doing laundry and not doing a thing about the large pile of stuff that is cluttering my living room. Hey -- I have Wednesday right?
Ok - dryer went off and I am sure there is another load of laundry floating around this place somewhere.
Now Watching: MNF or Law & Order
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Oi Oi Oi Oi
So last night was the Dropkick Murphys show.
It was as one of my friends commented, like "a really INTENSE St. Patrick's Day celebration"
And that it was.
Loud. Punk. HOT. Mosh-pit filled. Body-surfing. Stage Diving. Copious amounts of booze. More than 10 guys in kilts.
All with bagpipes in the background.
Your run-of-the-mill-Wednesday night at our house.
Or not.
But we had a good time. It was one of those rare shows where the male-to-female ratio was easily 2:1, maybe even 3:1. Such that there was a constant line out the mens bathroom door and I was able to walk right into the womens room without any wait. And several times, that wasn't just a one time occurrence.
And for a Irish punk band, that is what you would expect.
Two observations on the night.
I could offer up a whole slew of them, but will keep it to the highlights:
1. We ran into a number of Joe's high school acquaintances there. People he knows casually and of course, didn't know he was having a baby. Try as you might, 7 month pregnant chicks tend to stick out in a crowd like that. And one of his buddies -- who clearly was having a good time -- at one point called me "Mrs. McConville"
Hit the brakes on that one. It was just so unexpected and well, that is his mom, not me.
It was weird.
2. As I mentioned, the crowd had the potential to get a little rough. Now, the venue is set up such that there is a whole section of tables etc, that runs parallel to the open floor. And its the open floor where all the mosh-pit/slam dancing action was taking place. So I was well removed from the action, but could still see the stage. And thus, out of harms way of flailing arms, legs, elbows or drunk people. But every time Joe would walk away from me for something -- he would tap one of his buddies with the "keep an eye on her" message.
Now, while actually somewhat endearing that he cares and is looking out for me, give me a break. Nothing is going to happen to me sitting at a table 100 ft from the crowd.
All in all, great show. Glad we went. Trying to get as much as that sort of stuff on the calendar before January. Figure my days of live music are somewhat short at this point. Which saddens me just a bit, but thems the breaks.
And as a reminder to my loyal readers, I love my job. Love it. LUUUUUV it.
Lets just say, an angry, punk crowd was right up my alley last night.
Now Listening: Pablo Honey by Radiohead
It was as one of my friends commented, like "a really INTENSE St. Patrick's Day celebration"
And that it was.
Loud. Punk. HOT. Mosh-pit filled. Body-surfing. Stage Diving. Copious amounts of booze. More than 10 guys in kilts.
All with bagpipes in the background.
Your run-of-the-mill-Wednesday night at our house.
Or not.
But we had a good time. It was one of those rare shows where the male-to-female ratio was easily 2:1, maybe even 3:1. Such that there was a constant line out the mens bathroom door and I was able to walk right into the womens room without any wait. And several times, that wasn't just a one time occurrence.
And for a Irish punk band, that is what you would expect.
Two observations on the night.
I could offer up a whole slew of them, but will keep it to the highlights:
1. We ran into a number of Joe's high school acquaintances there. People he knows casually and of course, didn't know he was having a baby. Try as you might, 7 month pregnant chicks tend to stick out in a crowd like that. And one of his buddies -- who clearly was having a good time -- at one point called me "Mrs. McConville"
Hit the brakes on that one. It was just so unexpected and well, that is his mom, not me.
It was weird.
2. As I mentioned, the crowd had the potential to get a little rough. Now, the venue is set up such that there is a whole section of tables etc, that runs parallel to the open floor. And its the open floor where all the mosh-pit/slam dancing action was taking place. So I was well removed from the action, but could still see the stage. And thus, out of harms way of flailing arms, legs, elbows or drunk people. But every time Joe would walk away from me for something -- he would tap one of his buddies with the "keep an eye on her" message.
Now, while actually somewhat endearing that he cares and is looking out for me, give me a break. Nothing is going to happen to me sitting at a table 100 ft from the crowd.
All in all, great show. Glad we went. Trying to get as much as that sort of stuff on the calendar before January. Figure my days of live music are somewhat short at this point. Which saddens me just a bit, but thems the breaks.
And as a reminder to my loyal readers, I love my job. Love it. LUUUUUV it.
Lets just say, an angry, punk crowd was right up my alley last night.
Now Listening: Pablo Honey by Radiohead
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
And the answer is ....
Not 42.
- that was a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy reference for those of you not in the know.
The question then ....
How many actual birth videos did they plan on showing us in our birthing classes to freak us out?
And last night was the big night. After 4 weeks of breathing and assorted position practicing -- they hit us with the big dog.
Birth videos on a large screen.
I mean yes - we have all seen something approximating a birth on TV - anyone who is a cable geek like me has stumbled across one or two on Discovery, National Geographic and the like.
But here it was. Large and in charge.
So we made it through and then at the end of class, the instructor, who is actually quite nice and fairly entertaining -- decided to bring us back from all the physical aspects of the class and focus on the emotional/spiritual aspects of birth.
Like I need to get in touch and share that sort of thing with 10 perfect strangers. Strangers that the only thing we have in common is that somewhere around the same time last spring all of our eggs decided to firmly plant themselves somewhere in our insides.
So they queue the birth video (this time with 3 new characters -- 3 must be a lucky birth number) and then she turns on the CD.
There is no dialogue. There is no sound -- just a sound track.
So we got to watch all the laboring portions of the video timed out to Because You Love Me by Celine Dion, complete with footage of horribly tuned-in, uber-attentive husbands massaging, rubbing and holding their beloved. And the actual birthing portion of the tape to You Are So Beautiful by Joe Cocker. Do I need to say more?
And yes, my ears were bleeding AND I threw up in my mouth.
I couldn't speak for a good 2-3 minutes after that. Joe just kept looking at me and shaking his head.
The best part -- we have two classes left. I have no IDEA what is in store for us at this point.
Small milestone today. We are officially 8 weeks out from our due date today.
I am going to celebrate by going home and digging up my copy of The Greatest Love of All by Whitney Houston and putting it on repeat.
Oh wait. I threw that out after 8th grade.
Not 42.
- that was a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy reference for those of you not in the know.
The question then ....
How many actual birth videos did they plan on showing us in our birthing classes to freak us out?
And last night was the big night. After 4 weeks of breathing and assorted position practicing -- they hit us with the big dog.
Birth videos on a large screen.
I mean yes - we have all seen something approximating a birth on TV - anyone who is a cable geek like me has stumbled across one or two on Discovery, National Geographic and the like.
But here it was. Large and in charge.
So we made it through and then at the end of class, the instructor, who is actually quite nice and fairly entertaining -- decided to bring us back from all the physical aspects of the class and focus on the emotional/spiritual aspects of birth.
Like I need to get in touch and share that sort of thing with 10 perfect strangers. Strangers that the only thing we have in common is that somewhere around the same time last spring all of our eggs decided to firmly plant themselves somewhere in our insides.
So they queue the birth video (this time with 3 new characters -- 3 must be a lucky birth number) and then she turns on the CD.
There is no dialogue. There is no sound -- just a sound track.
So we got to watch all the laboring portions of the video timed out to Because You Love Me by Celine Dion, complete with footage of horribly tuned-in, uber-attentive husbands massaging, rubbing and holding their beloved. And the actual birthing portion of the tape to You Are So Beautiful by Joe Cocker. Do I need to say more?
And yes, my ears were bleeding AND I threw up in my mouth.
I couldn't speak for a good 2-3 minutes after that. Joe just kept looking at me and shaking his head.
The best part -- we have two classes left. I have no IDEA what is in store for us at this point.
Small milestone today. We are officially 8 weeks out from our due date today.
I am going to celebrate by going home and digging up my copy of The Greatest Love of All by Whitney Houston and putting it on repeat.
Oh wait. I threw that out after 8th grade.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Well - at least its a post
Hm. I feel like I should have lots to share today -- but not so much.
Work is loco. My boss gave his notice yesterday, so this opens Pandora's Box for the work place.
Without going into a slew of meaningless detail for most of you it comes down to this --- do I apply for his job or not? It would be a shift in responsibilities (obviously). But 1) do I want those changing responsibilities and 2) do I want to do it now when I would get the job and then basically disappear for 3 months?
Much to think through.
Had what is getting to be the routine dr's appt today.
I have gained another 2.5 lbs. Those numbers on the scale are starting to eek into not only uncharted territory but SCARY territory. At least for me.
My ever-expanding belly is measuring out at 33 CM -- which is a little large for 31 weeks, but not overly so.
And the little leprechaun was kicking away at a healthy 144 BPM for a heart rate.
They also went ahead and scheduled us out for the remainder of our appointments. After mid-December, we go EVERY week.
I mean, we knew this was coming -- but man alive. So we are all booked up with the last scheduled one on our due date.....
Ok - much work to do.
Now Listening: For once, nothing. My ear buds frazzled out and haven't gotten new ones.
Work is loco. My boss gave his notice yesterday, so this opens Pandora's Box for the work place.
Without going into a slew of meaningless detail for most of you it comes down to this --- do I apply for his job or not? It would be a shift in responsibilities (obviously). But 1) do I want those changing responsibilities and 2) do I want to do it now when I would get the job and then basically disappear for 3 months?
Much to think through.
Had what is getting to be the routine dr's appt today.
I have gained another 2.5 lbs. Those numbers on the scale are starting to eek into not only uncharted territory but SCARY territory. At least for me.
My ever-expanding belly is measuring out at 33 CM -- which is a little large for 31 weeks, but not overly so.
And the little leprechaun was kicking away at a healthy 144 BPM for a heart rate.
They also went ahead and scheduled us out for the remainder of our appointments. After mid-December, we go EVERY week.
I mean, we knew this was coming -- but man alive. So we are all booked up with the last scheduled one on our due date.....
Ok - much work to do.
Now Listening: For once, nothing. My ear buds frazzled out and haven't gotten new ones.
Friday, November 14, 2008
A Friday Morning Bitch
Who me? Bitch?
No, I don't believe it.
I know everyone says, don't complain unless you have a solution to offer up.
That is a mantra that this girl doesn't necessarily subscribe to. And when I say necessarily, I mean -- for the most part -- never. Sometimes you have to just get it off your chest.
(See my entire archive of blog posts as a prime example)
So here it is, straight from Dilbert-ville.
I work for corporate America. Like many of you. This means that a healthy portion of my days are spent in meetings talking about the work that we should actually be doing. This also means that I live in cube-land within 4-6 foot proximity of my closest neighbor.
This is just the set up.
So as I mentioned; meetings. We have lots of them. Easily half to 3/4s of a typical day are spent in meetings. This means that we have a way of tracking them -- in our case, Groupwise. Most of you probably use Microsoft Exchange.
Its email. Its your schedule. Its my life.
If it is not in my calendar, it doesn't exist.
So 3 times this week, I have received phone calls from people about scheduling meetings. As in
"Meghan, what time would work best for you?"
And my standard response is...
"my calendar is current. take a look there."
And then they want to debate it. I don't know what I am doing tomorrow. I sure as hell don't know what I am doing 2 days from now. So look it up in the system that we have to track that very thing.
Its not hard. There is even a "Busy Search" button that tells you who has conflicts with a given time.
This is not rocket science people.
Not at all.
Now Listening: Get Behind Me Satan by The White Stripes
No, I don't believe it.
I know everyone says, don't complain unless you have a solution to offer up.
That is a mantra that this girl doesn't necessarily subscribe to. And when I say necessarily, I mean -- for the most part -- never. Sometimes you have to just get it off your chest.
(See my entire archive of blog posts as a prime example)
So here it is, straight from Dilbert-ville.
I work for corporate America. Like many of you. This means that a healthy portion of my days are spent in meetings talking about the work that we should actually be doing. This also means that I live in cube-land within 4-6 foot proximity of my closest neighbor.
This is just the set up.
So as I mentioned; meetings. We have lots of them. Easily half to 3/4s of a typical day are spent in meetings. This means that we have a way of tracking them -- in our case, Groupwise. Most of you probably use Microsoft Exchange.
Its email. Its your schedule. Its my life.
If it is not in my calendar, it doesn't exist.
So 3 times this week, I have received phone calls from people about scheduling meetings. As in
"Meghan, what time would work best for you?"
And my standard response is...
"my calendar is current. take a look there."
And then they want to debate it. I don't know what I am doing tomorrow. I sure as hell don't know what I am doing 2 days from now. So look it up in the system that we have to track that very thing.
Its not hard. There is even a "Busy Search" button that tells you who has conflicts with a given time.
This is not rocket science people.
Not at all.
Now Listening: Get Behind Me Satan by The White Stripes
Monday, November 10, 2008
Wow, was that hard.
Rarely do I create two entries in a single day.
But had something that I needed to get out of my head and wanted to make sure that I got it right.
So we know that today was ironic Monday. I am still shaking my head over the whole Suburban driver looking for fuel efficiency.
This evening, I get home and it has been a bitch of a day. Didn't roll home until about 6:30/7:00. It was raining and cold. I am tired as I didn't get enough sleep last night. So just looking to chill out at home and curl up on the couch. Well, as much as I can "curl up" anywhere these days.
Given that it is Monday, and not a lot on TV --and too tired to think about doing anything around the house, I decided to take a nice hot bath. And Joe had cleaned the bathroom today, so I got to take one in a nice, clean bathtub -- added bonus.
I will caution, some might find the following a bit TMI. But I don't really care at this point.
In the tub and decide I should shave my legs.
And it wasn't like I had reason to shave my legs. It was just that I hadn't done it in ages and there comes a point where you just can't stand it anymore. So grab the razor and get to work.
Or at least tried.
When you have a gi-normous belly, the act of reaching for anything gets a little dicey. Managed to get the below the knee taken care of before I threw in the towel.
It was hard.
Not a combination you hear very often. I mean, we aren't talking shaving a yeti here. Just your legs. And not even the whole leg. Just below the knee. It kicked my ass, was totally uncomfortable and I am guessing at the rate my belly is growing, won't happen again until after this kid shows up.
Which brings me to my newest pregnancy bitch. People will see me, maybe haven't actually been paying attention to me for a week or so and I get this:
Them: "Wow. You got a belly"
Me: (internal dialogue) No shit, there is a kid in there that is getting BIGGER not smaller.
Them: "So when are you due?"
Me: "January"
Them: "Holy cow, you are getting really big for that much time left"
Yeah. That is what I love to hear. Now, I know early on I was complaining about people saying I didn't look pregnant. Now I look too pregnant. I reserve the right to just be annoyed no matter what.
Either that, or I am blaming it on the outfit that I had on today.
Here's hoping that is the case.
Now Watching (sorta): Monday Night Football.
But had something that I needed to get out of my head and wanted to make sure that I got it right.
So we know that today was ironic Monday. I am still shaking my head over the whole Suburban driver looking for fuel efficiency.
This evening, I get home and it has been a bitch of a day. Didn't roll home until about 6:30/7:00. It was raining and cold. I am tired as I didn't get enough sleep last night. So just looking to chill out at home and curl up on the couch. Well, as much as I can "curl up" anywhere these days.
Given that it is Monday, and not a lot on TV --and too tired to think about doing anything around the house, I decided to take a nice hot bath. And Joe had cleaned the bathroom today, so I got to take one in a nice, clean bathtub -- added bonus.
I will caution, some might find the following a bit TMI. But I don't really care at this point.
In the tub and decide I should shave my legs.
And it wasn't like I had reason to shave my legs. It was just that I hadn't done it in ages and there comes a point where you just can't stand it anymore. So grab the razor and get to work.
Or at least tried.
When you have a gi-normous belly, the act of reaching for anything gets a little dicey. Managed to get the below the knee taken care of before I threw in the towel.
It was hard.
Not a combination you hear very often. I mean, we aren't talking shaving a yeti here. Just your legs. And not even the whole leg. Just below the knee. It kicked my ass, was totally uncomfortable and I am guessing at the rate my belly is growing, won't happen again until after this kid shows up.
Which brings me to my newest pregnancy bitch. People will see me, maybe haven't actually been paying attention to me for a week or so and I get this:
Them: "Wow. You got a belly"
Me: (internal dialogue) No shit, there is a kid in there that is getting BIGGER not smaller.
Them: "So when are you due?"
Me: "January"
Them: "Holy cow, you are getting really big for that much time left"
Yeah. That is what I love to hear. Now, I know early on I was complaining about people saying I didn't look pregnant. Now I look too pregnant. I reserve the right to just be annoyed no matter what.
Either that, or I am blaming it on the outfit that I had on today.
Here's hoping that is the case.
Now Watching (sorta): Monday Night Football.
Its IRONIC Monday!
Man do I love a good Monday.
Really. They are like, my FAVORITE EVER.
I was sitting on the off-ramp this morning on my way to work, waiting for the light to change when I looked up at the car in front of me.
It was a white Suburban. And it had the following bumper sticker on it:
Drill Here. Drill Now. Save Today.
And the background image was a gas pump.
Now - I can honestly say I haven't done a ton of research on the whole domestic drilling issue. But I do know what mining of any kind tends to do to the surrounding environment, so my gut is tread very, very lightly on this topic.
But here is a news flash:
You want to save at the gas pump???
You mean to tell me there aren't more fuel efficient cars out there?
Really? Not a one that would fit your needs?
Next thing you know the CEO of BP will be calling me with suggestions on how to keep my energy bills lower.
Yeah. Suck it buddy.
Now Listening: Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga by Spoon
Really. They are like, my FAVORITE EVER.
I was sitting on the off-ramp this morning on my way to work, waiting for the light to change when I looked up at the car in front of me.
It was a white Suburban. And it had the following bumper sticker on it:
Drill Here. Drill Now. Save Today.
And the background image was a gas pump.
Now - I can honestly say I haven't done a ton of research on the whole domestic drilling issue. But I do know what mining of any kind tends to do to the surrounding environment, so my gut is tread very, very lightly on this topic.
But here is a news flash:
You want to save at the gas pump???
You mean to tell me there aren't more fuel efficient cars out there?
Really? Not a one that would fit your needs?
Next thing you know the CEO of BP will be calling me with suggestions on how to keep my energy bills lower.
Yeah. Suck it buddy.
Now Listening: Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga by Spoon
Sunday, November 09, 2008
The General Idea

And we still have a glider on order. Big thanks to Grandpa & Grandma McConville for that one. Oh - and we will be changing the drapes as well.
Pretty low-key weekend around these parts. A lot of football that is continuing into today. I have been battling the nagging possibility of a cold for the last few days. Convinced that the only reason that I haven't gotten into a full blown crap-tastic cold at this point is my pre-natal vitamins are keeping me in on the verge of pretty healthy.
Started talking about holidays this weekend. Can I just say (and I knew this, but just re-enforcing the fact) that juggling holidays with two families in two locations is REALLY a pain in the ass. Such that this year, I think we are going to go solo on Turkey Day to keep sane. Otherwise it would have translated into alot of driving (in two cars no less) and not a lot of time with either family. That got squarely into the category of colossal-pain-in-our-ass. Christmas, on the other hand is a full blown you-can-come-to-me affair this year.
So that is about all I have to report on this sorta overcast Sunday afternoon.
Now Watching: The Bears vs. The Titans (Bears up, 7-0)
Friday, November 07, 2008
The slow graze
Its food day here at work.
Well, not an "official" food day. Its a birthday celebration. And around here that means food.
Lots of it.
Bad for you food.
Krispy Kremes
Assorted danishes
More cake
And so on...
So what have I been doing all day?
You guessed it.
The slow graze.
A little here.
A little there.
All day.
Almost on the hour.
And what did I have for lunch? Which is silly as I really didn't even NEED lunch as I had been eating all morning...
Oh yeah. Burger King.
Now I have to go get another donut.
Now Listening: Grace by Jeff Buckley
Well, not an "official" food day. Its a birthday celebration. And around here that means food.
Lots of it.
Bad for you food.
Krispy Kremes
Assorted danishes
More cake
And so on...
So what have I been doing all day?
You guessed it.
The slow graze.
A little here.
A little there.
All day.
Almost on the hour.
And what did I have for lunch? Which is silly as I really didn't even NEED lunch as I had been eating all morning...
Oh yeah. Burger King.
Now I have to go get another donut.
Now Listening: Grace by Jeff Buckley
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Getting out of bed. Momentous.
Shower - like 20 minutes.
Getting dressed -this was the big one. If you felt a huge surge in the cosmos this morning it was the Cosmos in fact, kicking my ass when it came to a outfit that fit and didn't make me look like a human tent. Suffice it so say, I am invoking a "casual day" card at work and sporting the jeans.
Coffee - 4 cars deep on the drive-thru AND 3 people deep inside.
Nothing is really moving at a reasonable pace today.
Maybe this should be a sign that I should just pack it up and go home.
Hm. Worth consideration.
In other news you all hate me.
I have been watching some of the "bets" come in on the little leprechauns arrival. More than a few of you are thinking this kid is 9lbs plus.
One word: ouch.
Here's hoping he will take after his father a little and just out of spite be like, 7lbs something.
But it has been fun to watch the guesses come in.
And keep em' coming. The bigger the list, the bigger the bragging rights.
Maybe we will have to work out some sort of prize for the winner.
Maybe a night of watching the little leprechaun once he shows up?
No?!?! That doesn't seem like incentive?
Well, I will work on plan B.
Now Listening: Four Songs by Alexi Murdoch
Getting out of bed. Momentous.
Shower - like 20 minutes.
Getting dressed -this was the big one. If you felt a huge surge in the cosmos this morning it was the Cosmos in fact, kicking my ass when it came to a outfit that fit and didn't make me look like a human tent. Suffice it so say, I am invoking a "casual day" card at work and sporting the jeans.
Coffee - 4 cars deep on the drive-thru AND 3 people deep inside.
Nothing is really moving at a reasonable pace today.
Maybe this should be a sign that I should just pack it up and go home.
Hm. Worth consideration.
In other news you all hate me.
I have been watching some of the "bets" come in on the little leprechauns arrival. More than a few of you are thinking this kid is 9lbs plus.
One word: ouch.
Here's hoping he will take after his father a little and just out of spite be like, 7lbs something.
But it has been fun to watch the guesses come in.
And keep em' coming. The bigger the list, the bigger the bragging rights.
Maybe we will have to work out some sort of prize for the winner.
Maybe a night of watching the little leprechaun once he shows up?
No?!?! That doesn't seem like incentive?
Well, I will work on plan B.
Now Listening: Four Songs by Alexi Murdoch
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Awesome Night, Better Morning
And wow.
What a cool night last night. Historically cool.
I was unable to watch a good chunk of the returns, as we were in class learning to breathe.
But mad thanks to Nate for keeping the text messages flowing with updates. We did get home in time to see both the concession and acceptance speeches of each candidate.
It was overwhelming.
Even my sisters were gracious. Which was a little odd. I was concerned they might have either had too much to drink or hit the crack pipe a little too hard when I got this text from Courtney
" You know we speak from different political sides, but we witnessed absolute
history tonight and THAT is cool... congrats. "
Yes. My sisters.
Melissa even chimed in with a congrats as well.
The outlook today -- is freakin' awesome, rainy day and all.
What else? Started an online poll for the little leprechauns big arrival. Link is on the left under the archive. Chime in and let us know what you think. No big prize, other than bragging rights, but it seemed like a fun thing to do.
Had our 2x a month checkup today.
All is good.
Weight gain for me: nothing since the last appt. Woot. Although I did grow another CM in my belly which means all the weight gain went to the little man. Measuring at 30 weeks right now. Which is about spot on.
His heart rate (which they found in like, 0.02 seconds unlike the last appt) was a busy 140 BPM.
Doctor viewed it as a sign of a future troublemaker. Or ornery. Or both.
I think its fair to say, yes -- those are both not only possibilities, but a pretty solid chance at reality.
OK - back to the grind.
Now Listening: Rock This House by Hollywood Fats
And wow.
What a cool night last night. Historically cool.
I was unable to watch a good chunk of the returns, as we were in class learning to breathe.
But mad thanks to Nate for keeping the text messages flowing with updates. We did get home in time to see both the concession and acceptance speeches of each candidate.
It was overwhelming.
Even my sisters were gracious. Which was a little odd. I was concerned they might have either had too much to drink or hit the crack pipe a little too hard when I got this text from Courtney
" You know we speak from different political sides, but we witnessed absolute
history tonight and THAT is cool... congrats. "
Yes. My sisters.
Melissa even chimed in with a congrats as well.
The outlook today -- is freakin' awesome, rainy day and all.
What else? Started an online poll for the little leprechauns big arrival. Link is on the left under the archive. Chime in and let us know what you think. No big prize, other than bragging rights, but it seemed like a fun thing to do.
Had our 2x a month checkup today.
All is good.
Weight gain for me: nothing since the last appt. Woot. Although I did grow another CM in my belly which means all the weight gain went to the little man. Measuring at 30 weeks right now. Which is about spot on.
His heart rate (which they found in like, 0.02 seconds unlike the last appt) was a busy 140 BPM.
Doctor viewed it as a sign of a future troublemaker. Or ornery. Or both.
I think its fair to say, yes -- those are both not only possibilities, but a pretty solid chance at reality.
OK - back to the grind.
Now Listening: Rock This House by Hollywood Fats
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Gettin' My Civic Responsiblity On....
We have made it.
As a nation, the big day is here. No more ads, no more rallies, no more SNL parodies (sadness).
Go vote people.
I did.
Although I was ultimately let down as I didn't get an "I Voted" sticker. I mean, come on -- its the accessory of the year.
I was bummed. But getting over it, thanks for asking.
We did have a small glitch in the process this morning.
Not the long lines, I waited until about 8 AM rather than when the polls opened at 7 and was fine.
Its because we moved. I stayed in the same zip code, but my voting precinct changed.
And it confused the hell out of the 3 volunteers that were all easily 70+ years old.
They just weren't sure what to do with me.
Suffice it to say that after a few forms, a proof of residency, my drivers license, Social Security Card, blood sample and the promise to give up the Little Leprechaun to the Polk County Auditors office for 7 years of indentured servitude, they let me cast my ballot.
The wait: almost 40 minutes.
The act of voting: 5 minutes
And of course, being pregnant and just standing there sent the aforementioned 70+ year old women into a fit.
"Sweetie, sit down please"
"Are you sure we can't get you a chair"
"Do you need anything?"
Yes - I needed to vote.
Really, it was sweet, but nothing makes people more uncomfortable that a pregnant woman standing.
Trust me, sometimes I want to stand.
And keep in mind, this polling station is a 1/2 a block from a retirement community. The median age there had to be easily 65 years old and there were more walkers and canes in the waiting area than anything else. And they were worried about me?
I am surprised they didn't have an EMT permanently stationed there.
The vote is cast, the deed is done.
I will miss out on several options for watching returns tonight because we have our birthing class.
So I will be getting updates on my cell as I am probably missing some key point that the instructor will be making.
So if you haven't voted yet -- get yer' ass out there and do it!!!
Now Listening: Getz/Gilbreto by Stan Getz & Joao Gilbreto
As a nation, the big day is here. No more ads, no more rallies, no more SNL parodies (sadness).
Go vote people.
I did.
Although I was ultimately let down as I didn't get an "I Voted" sticker. I mean, come on -- its the accessory of the year.
I was bummed. But getting over it, thanks for asking.
We did have a small glitch in the process this morning.
Not the long lines, I waited until about 8 AM rather than when the polls opened at 7 and was fine.
Its because we moved. I stayed in the same zip code, but my voting precinct changed.
And it confused the hell out of the 3 volunteers that were all easily 70+ years old.
They just weren't sure what to do with me.
Suffice it to say that after a few forms, a proof of residency, my drivers license, Social Security Card, blood sample and the promise to give up the Little Leprechaun to the Polk County Auditors office for 7 years of indentured servitude, they let me cast my ballot.
The wait: almost 40 minutes.
The act of voting: 5 minutes
And of course, being pregnant and just standing there sent the aforementioned 70+ year old women into a fit.
"Sweetie, sit down please"
"Are you sure we can't get you a chair"
"Do you need anything?"
Yes - I needed to vote.
Really, it was sweet, but nothing makes people more uncomfortable that a pregnant woman standing.
Trust me, sometimes I want to stand.
And keep in mind, this polling station is a 1/2 a block from a retirement community. The median age there had to be easily 65 years old and there were more walkers and canes in the waiting area than anything else. And they were worried about me?
I am surprised they didn't have an EMT permanently stationed there.
The vote is cast, the deed is done.
I will miss out on several options for watching returns tonight because we have our birthing class.
So I will be getting updates on my cell as I am probably missing some key point that the instructor will be making.
So if you haven't voted yet -- get yer' ass out there and do it!!!
Now Listening: Getz/Gilbreto by Stan Getz & Joao Gilbreto
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