Iowa is a bike state.
Big time.
And I don't mean motorbikes...
I mean, pedal, work your butt off (or get the right calluses) bicycles.
We have trails. And major events.
There is RAGBRAI (Registers(as in Des Moines Register) Annual Great Bike Race Across Iowa) which I detailed once upon a time -- ok, in digging that one up a LONG time ago.
People do all day bike rides/pub crawls - which I think could be its own entry as that just sounds like something that shouldn't be combined.
Every night from March - Oct -- you see people of all shapes and sizes in all the biking gear, and yes, all shapes and sizes in spandex. It's a hidden camera gem.
So to get back to my earlier point, Iowa is a bike state.
Yesterday I was on my way back from the Farmers Market and stopped at an intersection. It was downtown so it was like 3/4 lanes of one way intersecting with another 3/4 lanes of one way. There was a family of 4 biking in the far right lane. And they have the right of way. That is the rule. They were coming to the intersection and taking a right onto the street. There was a SUV behind them that apparently didn't like the pace in which they were moving. So she honked. To which the father of said family who was the last in the line of the 4 gave her the bird.
Which in and of itself was pretty entertaining as, while I have heard bikers bitch about not getting the appropriate respect on the road, I have NEVER actually seen one of them lash out even in that fashion.
So as he is turning the corner, he throws down his bike and waits for the SUV to make the turn and starts just yelling at this woman. And it wasn't like a "Screw You" and move on... he had something to say. And he did. To the point where the woman started shouting back.
The whole thing just struck me as really funny. Until I realized that as the woman was stopped in my lane, I almost missed my green light.
So me finding this whole thing funny got me thinking, am I the only one who sees stuff like this and finds it amusing? Enough to actually write about it? Or do other people see it and just brush it off, like no big deal? Is my brain really wired that much differently?
I throw that question out there into the ether with trepidation and a little concern as to what the answer could be, but brave blogger that I am, I am willing to deal with the response.
In other news, well I really have no other news. Had a little mini-girls night out last night. Ate some cheese I probably shouldn't have, had a few sips of wine I shouldn't have and then had sushi. Which, I did use some discretion and only had either vegetarian or cooked versions.
But all in all, it was a night of pure pregnancy rebellion.
Woo hoo.
That's right kids. Getting crazy at week 23.
Ok, so I exaggerate a little bit. But you can only be told "no" so many times before you kinda just say "fuck it" and rebel a little. Thus, I had the cheese (and it was good) and a few sips of wine (even better) and a band-aid for my continuous sushi craving.
Here's hoping it gets me through the next 17 weeks.
And that really is about it.
Now I am going to go ride a bike 20 miles. Oh wait, that is another in the long line of NO's.
And I wouldn't have done that anyway -- pregnant or not. And its football Sunday. All bets are off for my attention span unless it has a pigskin, full pads and guys with names like Forte and Urlacher.
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