Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Blinding Flash of the Obvious

I was driving back from lunch today when I saw something that totally made me go Hmmn...
As in ...Things that Make You Go Hmmnn
Remember that song? I am dating myself big time.
I can't even remember who sang that ... C+C Music Factory?

Short pause for Google confirmation.....
And yes -- I was right. Not sure if I should be proud or ashamed.
Jumps back on track.

Again, coming back from lunch today, stopped at a light waiting for it to change when a guy on a motorcycle drives by.
This in and of itself, not odd.
It was his attire that caught my eye.
Motorcycle boots of some sort.
So, you are concerned enough to wear a helmet, but the fact that your entire torso would be shredded to total bits should anything happen to you is not a concern?
Oh wait, all those tattoos will protect you? Is that it?
I mean come on.
And I say this from a very pro-motorcycle standpoint.
I never wore a helmet when riding -- and that is not a bragging point, just fact.
My thinking was, if it comes down to it, helmet not going to do that much.
So this guy says to himself, well -- need the helmet, shirt/riding jacket, not so much.
These are the things that go on in my brain.
A little insight is a good thing for all of you.

One more comment on the whole moving thing.
I have spent all weekend surrounded by boxes and piles of crap. Actually, I have spent about the last two weeks in that state and the next two aren't looking much better.
However, I thought I was doing well. Two trips to the Salvo with a bunch of crap that I thought for sure was all the crap that really needed to be tossed.
Uh uh.
Not even close.
So as Joe and I are lamenting the fact that we have a ton of shit -- operative word, shit -- what do we do?
We go to Target and spend like $200 on MORE shit.
How is this?
I mean, I still have a maze of boxes in my house, no idea where half my stuff is and the answer is lets go shopping?!?!?
This just confirms that I need help.

For further weekend coverage --
Congrats to my cousin Brian and his new bride Shannon. Their wedding on Friday was lovely. Also got to see all the mini-munchkins that are now taking over the family events. Which was cool. Both my cousins girls are gorgeous and happy little ones.
Odd to think that I will be adding to the mix.
Met Joe's grandpa on Saturday. Which was really quite nice. He is a good guy. Known affectionately within the retirement community as "The Mayor" since he knows everyone. I found out later that I passed inspection with flying colors.
Conversely, Joe was a hit with the family as well.
At least those that he met. We still have about half of my dad's family and most of my mom's family to go. And as for my mom's family, there is only a small portion that 1) he would actually have the time to meet and 2) that I really care all that much about.
Bad Meghan. Shouldn't throw karma like that out there.

Alrighty then, I should get back to it. Although work concentration right now is WAY low. I am thinking of all the things that still need attention at the batcave. Pun intended.

Now Listening: The Reminder by Feist

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