Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Reality of the Fairytale

I was perusing through some of my older posts recently, and stumbled across this little gem of an entry. Your Friday Fairy Tale
And I realized, almost exactly a year later that there is a reason they are called fairy tales -- because the reality goes something like this....
Our young heroine is still pretty hot, witty, intelligent, maybe a few pounds heavier, couple more gray hairs and has had a helluva a year. Her woodland friends have moved to new parts of the woods, started having mini-woodland creatures and she doesn't see them nearly enough. She no longer toils at the fortress -- although she does routinely drink the nectar of the gods there. And she has a new boss to replace her old cruel boss but, she still works too much.
As for the dating ritual, well, that has taken on a whole new life of its own.

As for our hero ---
Here is the reality of the hero. The hero is a lazy, scared and yes, YOUNG man who can't admit to how he feels, uses text messaging as a primary means of communication, drinks too much and can't decide what he wants in life. And just when he thinks it is time to cut things off with our heroine, decides to pop back in her life. Took a new job not doing what he loves, and then wonders why he doesn't like his job any more.
And he snores.

His family, still lovely. At least the last time I saw them.
The Electric Blue Carriage has a few more miles, and more than a few trips to the shop to keep it in fine fairy tale condition.

As a post script to the fairy tale, my fairy godmother needs to check out of rehab or where ever she has been hiding for the last 8 months, get her ass in gear and find me a new hero.
Oh - and bring a new carriage. The mileage on the old one is getting too high.
And some new shoes. Preferably glass slippers that can support my weight.
And a new gown.
You get the picture.

I guess it comes down to this. We can now show without question -- because its on my blog and if you read it on the Internet it must be true -- that my life is NOT in fact a fairy tale and more like an entry in Bridget Jones's diary.

Now Listening: The Best of Otis Redding by --- Otis Redding

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