A day late, but it is the thought that counts.
I have been down in KC since Friday night. Ended up heading down a little early to avoid the snow that was predicted for Saturday. And for once, I think only once, it did in fact snow. A lot. Like 6" on Saturday.
Of course, once I made it home, I realized that minus a few little trinkets here and there, no Christmas decorating had been done. Tree was in the living room, but that was it. No lights, no decorations --- nada.
So, off I went in search of decorations. And commenced one of my two breakdowns over the weekend. I am still amazed how the littlest thing will send me off the deep end. In this case, tags. You know the ones that you put on presents -- To so and so, From you know who -- that sort of thing. Well, went looking for some as I was wrapping the only 2 gifts I had managed to buy and in my search came across tags -- all the ones my mom had always kept. All filled out - To Meghan, Love Mom, and viola, floodgates open. The other came the next day as I was looking for all the freakin' Christmas decorations. There are many -- so many that I was in my 3rd closet of the morning and found a box, full of other boxes, with nothing in them. Round II.
All said and done, it was a nice holiday. Got a new iPod -- whee. Been steadily downloading music at an alarming pace. And some other goodies -- new Uggs. Big shout out to the sisters on that one.
Bittersweet, would be the best word.
And today -- I am strapped to my phone as Julie and Scott are having their baby today, at least for her sake I hope its today. She headed to the hospital at 6:30 AM this morning to be induced as little munchkin had decided that he/she was quite comfortable in there -- thank you very much. Super excited for them!!
Stay tuned for more details.
Alrighty then -- I am out.
Now Listening: Graduation by Kanye West
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