Friday, August 03, 2007

Really Random Ramblings

Illiteration. How I love it.

I saw a license plate today on the way to work that read "IAMNDET". Which I read as " I am in debt". Now the ironic part, or perhaps the sad part, is that it was attached to a huge, tricked out, I am guessing 06/07, Yukon. Which sorta begs the question, of course you are in debt, you spent a small fortune on a gas guzzling mode of transportation. Between your car payment and filling up its no mystery why you are in debt. And lastly, why on EARTH would you put that on your license plate? Are you proud of it? Asking for donations? I dunno on that one.

Another driving one. I saw the below car while at a stop light on my way back from lunch. I couldn't help it. There was not just one yellow ribbon, or just one american flag ribbon. No, this was Patriotism (and the caps are on purpose). Count them.... EIGHT ribbons. They are patriotic times EIGHT. Not sure what the magical purpose of eight is, other than it allows them to keep even the number of ribbons on either side of the Chevy emblem, but I couldn't resist snapping a shot of that one:

I went and saw Hairspray last night. Super fun movie. Laughed a lot. If you see it, watch for the John Waters and Rikki Lake cameos. They are quick.

So I just moved from being a contractor to a Full Time Employee at my job. That was the plan all along, I was hired with the consulting firm on a 6-month, contract-to-hire. All went to plan. Now, as the above sentence would indicate, I have been here 6 months. As part on the hiring process, I was required to attend a day and a half of corporate training. That included, a tour of the building, a 45 minute tutorial on the phone system and a hour session on how to treat your co-workers.
Frankly, I think a hot poker to the eye or bamboo splinters under my fingernails would have been less painful.

And my last little nugget of insight/bitching. I have a rose bush in my front yard. A couple of things to consider here. I consider most of my gardening/yard work attempts to be a total roll of the dice. I am never sure if they will work, if I am doing it right or what the end result will be. I do know that I have found that I have enjoyed learning to putz around in the yard. Now, I have never had a rose bush. I have been led to believe that they are very high maintenance plants. This is counter to my idea of gardening. But, being a diligent person, I started looking into to how to care for said bush. This effort only began AFTER I had blooms on the darn thing. All of those ultimately died, and it seemed weird to me that no new ones were blooming. I was told recently that they really respond well to lots of water. So I have been diligently watering my rose bush -- and surprise, I started to see a whole new set of buds coming in. Two of them bloomed in the last few days and I was rather pleased. Last night as I was waiting to get picked up for the movie, I was doing a little weeding around the bush and just generally feeling good about my green-thumb, rose bush progress. This morning, I was taking out the garbage turned around and my roses were gone. Someone had taken them off the bush. There were only 2 of them, its not like I wouldn't notice. Rude. Just rude. Here I am trying to make the yard look nice, and someone just decided that my little pink roses needed to be theirs. Bastards.

I am heading home this weekend. Should have a better idea of what is really going on after that. I am sure I will have more to report upon my return.

Now Listening: Who Is Jill Scott? by Jill Scott (odd, I know)

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