In a word: HOT.
Freakin' Hot. There is a reason they start the race at 7:30 AM. No way could you do it in that heat any later.
However, heat aside the entire Smith clan participated. Which was a first. We only did the 1 Mile Walk -- between my mom in the wheelchair and my dad's knees there was no way we were doing more. But she had a bunch of her friends turn out as well. All told, there was probably about 20 of us walking.
Big thanks to Brooke for getting some Save Second Base t-shirts made quick for the Smith clan. I wore mine -- the only time I will wear pink. Ever. Again.
Repeat: ever.
For the cause, I sucked it up and threw my innate fashion sense out the window.
Here are a few pics that Courtney took with her cell phone. We have some more coming later in the week. But not downloaded from the respective camera's yet... And I will throw this out there, if you haven't seem my mom in awhile, this might be a smidge shocking.
Mom & Patrick

And another of the crowd:

In a more rambling mode - I have now driven down and back to KC twice in two weeks.
I offer you these little insights from my time on the amazing interstate system of this country of ours
- People who don't know how to use cruise control need to be shot. There is nothing more annoying that someone who is both on your ass and then shooting ahead of you, only to get back on your ass in the course of about 10 minutes. I wanted to scream. And this has happened multiple times in the last two weeks. And I would think, you would be hard pressed to find a car these days that doesn't have cruise on it.
- ON Ramps. Its simple. You should be accelerating while on them. Not slowing down or for the love, STOPPING on the ramp. This problem is only heightened by the fact that the momo's coming in the right hand lane don't have the brain capacity to just GET IN THE LEFT LANE FOR TWO SECONDS. I know the left lane can be scary. Cars going over the speed limit is daunting. But for 200 yards, you can suck it up so I can merge.
And for our weekly good news segment.
Congrats to my cousins, Chris, Kara & Brian. In a single family vacation weekend, there was an engagement (Brian) and a new baby on the way (Chris & Kara)! My aunt called the house over the weekend to let us know, and you could just hear the mile long smile on her. This means 3 new members of the Tefft clan this year. Growing by leaps and bounds.
Now Listening: Give Up by The Postal Service
PS - Added a link to my Flickr account, forgot that I had it. More pics to come.
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