Monday, May 28, 2007

Geography and Baby Registrations

I do hope that everyone had a loverly long weekend. I was a combination of really lazy or out drinking.
Let me clarify.
I only actually had drinks two nights. Friday and Sunday -- and Sunday was for a wedding. And once you read the story below you will understand why I felt the need to have cocktails on Friday.
So for those of you that know, Nate and Martine got their referral last week. Of course, we then had to go into full blown baby shower planning. Which means that Ms. Martine had to go register for baby stuff.
Lots and lots of baby stuff.
We began this little adventure in living on Thursday night. I met Martine and one of her co-workers at Babies R Us to register. Alicia was the voice of been-there-done-that-got-the-tshirt and I was the totally single friend who is offering fashion advice concerning whether or not the stroller and pack-N-play match. So here is what they don't tell you. Babies need stuff.
There is a whole list of stuff that you need. And it is long. So, I had the list, Martine had the gun and prior to Alicia's arrival, we were on our naive own... to which we had a lovely -- trying to be helpful british mom. I know she was a Mom because she was sitting on a glider, breastfeeding, with no blanket. Just snack time at Babies R Us.
And I am fairly certain she thought that Martine and I were lesbians adopting together. Good stuff. So after 2 hours of a lot of shooting of things, we got Martine all set with more onesises, bottles, nipples, video monitors, bathing gear, binkies, blankets, you name it, she got it with the gun. And the urban commando stroller. Its huge. She might just need a new car.
So come Friday, left work around 1PM -- it was the Friday before a long holiday, the office was already a ghost town. I went and met Martine at this little baby boutique to finish up the registry. We spent some time there and got the remaining stuff she needed. The somewhat uptight woman that was assisting us recommended that we check out another boutique down the road that specializes in maternity wear, but carries a whole line of adoption shirts etc.
Specifically a shirt Martine had seen that said "Expecting from..." and it has the flag from the country you are adopting from.
So we head on down to Urban Belly. This is a high-end store. I mean, like baby clothes for $60 for a pair of pants high end. So there is this woman behind the counter, who takes like 5 minutes to even acknowledge us. And I can't tell if she is pregnant or not. Not that being pregnant is a pre-requisite for working there, but anyway.
So I finally ask her, do you have any adoption gear? She points at the one shelf I have already looked at, and I ask her, specifically " do you have the expecting from with the flag tshirts?" She replies -- what country?

She steps behind a curtain and peeks her head back out and says --
"Um, where is Vietnam?"

I actually can't respond as I can't believe what I have heard. I mean, where is Vietnam??
Um, we fought a war there. For pete's sake, Angelina and Brad just adopted from there, for sure she would have seen something in her People.
Martine responds finally with "Asia" and she goes back in. And comes out with two of the smallest tshirts ever.
Apparently having to keep track of 7 continents is somehow easier.
So we say thanks but no thanks and go on our way.
Thus, my need for drinks on Friday -- the sheer stupidity of some people. I would like to think maybe she was pregnant and had pregnancy brain, but then again....
It hurts.

Special congrats to Bobby and Kim -- they had their vow renewal ceremony and reception on Sunday. They eloped about a year ago and used their upcoming anniversary as a great reason to have their big party. It really was a great night.
So tomorrow we are back to the grind.
Can't wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!! I mean this women you speak of, she actually exists?? As in, probably went to elementary school, middle school, and possibly high school? Last I checked, geography was a major component at all grade levels. You should have asked her if she knew who Jane Fonda was.