Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Bitter, Jaded and slightly road raged

Where to start today?
Hm. Lets see.
Work is a disaster this week. This project that I am working on has gone as wrong as wrong can be. And its only Tuesday.
So, last night I decided to try a new approach to dealing with the stress.
I went to yoga class. I had purchased a package at a charity event a few weeks ago and decided it was time to get my ass in gear.
So I went. It was good. I am as always amazed at a few things:
1. I am TOTALLY out of shape.
2. My left side -- way stronger than the right. Which is odd to me, as I am right handed.
3. One would not expect an hour of breathing to cause your muscles to be sore -- see comment #1.

So, here I was. Slightly more centered, having done something good for myself.
I get home, watched some TV, blah blah. Go upstairs to read for a bit.
Turned on the radio as I had left my iPod at work and things went south from there.
Was listening to 106.3 as they play lots of music and keep the talking to a bare minimum.
Here is what I discovered. If you want to hear a TON of music about relationships that suck, being in love, falling out of love and general tug at the heart strings, this is the station for you.
If, like me, you are looking for the station for pissy women, then this would have NOT been the type of music you wanted in the background.
Ugh. Where is Ani DiFranco when you need her?
So then I couldn't get to bed.
And then once I did get to bed, I couldn't stay asleep.

And then, this morning I woke up, and apparently centered myself into a cold sore.
I must have let loose something with all that damn breathing and it has manifested as fungus on my face.

So in summary:
  • work is crap
  • tired from not being able to sleep
  • slightly depressed at all the annoying music on the radio
  • a little PMS-y - ok, maybe a LOT
And to top it off, got stuck behind two cars on the way to work that clearly did not know that the speed limit was in fact ABOVE 50 MPH.
Not a good start to the day.
So, back to the grind I go...

Now Listening: How We Operate by Gomez

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