A few minutes of solitude before the sheer insanity of the holidays kick in - and I choose to blog during them. Total act of Christmas selflessness.
I know that I should be blogging about the joys of the season, the spirit of giving and the reason for the season.
Don't get me wrong, I do understand that Christmas is a a big deal. And it is.
But my brain is sorta all over the place today, and therefore, this post shall be as well.
Something incredibly rare happened today -- and no, its wasnt' a Santa sighting. My version of a Christmas miracle.
I had the house to myself today. And not just like, everyone was napping house to myself. I mean it was me and the cat. No one else around. And it was glorious. I remember back to days -- long ago, or so it seems -- when every day was a day alone at the house. Now, these things never happen. Granted, I am battling some chest crud that feels like I have 20 lbs of bricks on my chest, and had left work early. But regardless, I was home and no one else was. I was able to nap - uninterrupted. It was pretty much awesome. And further confirms how lame I really am, that a 2 hour window of alone time at my house registers as one of the key highlights of my month - hell, two months.
Here is the other thing that is rambling around the head tonight.
Somewhere out there in the vast canon of parental writing is the understood and accepted theory that one loves your children without question or cause. And I do believe this to be true. However, as my kids, mostly my son -- has gotten slightly older there have been some things that he does that drive me to the brink.
Top on the list is the noises. Specifically, the combination of 3 that Finn makes together after a full-blown, throw-everything-out-of-the-crib, I-am-not-gonna-go-to-bed-no-matter-how-long-you-leave-me-in-the-dark tantrum. Lets break them all down... shall we.
The mouth-breathing. This is normally an exception. But when one is teething the last of the teeth (I hope) and has a river of snot running out of his nose, this is the norm. So while its annoying, its not a scary, lifestyle type concern.
Now add -- the chewing. One pacifier chewing little dude. Now, I am not sure how many of you have actually ever heard someone gnawing on rubber. Its a nerve-tingling, hair raising, squeaking sound that will drive the average mom to the edge of sanity.
Mouth breathing - rubber chewing -- and the snot sucking. Not sure if you have ever had to teach a kid how to blow his nose, but its not the easiest thing. One that we haven't quite mastered yet. And therefore, the snot sucking. Its deee-lite-ful.
This trifecta of childhood goodness takes place every night around here. At least, the last few. And so my mommy guidebook says I should love everything about my son. But these sounds, are not gonna make the list.
I am sure admitting all of this publicly, will officially but me on the naughty list. Therefore precluding any visits by the man in the red suit this weekend. And honestly, I am ok with that. I think its more important to acknowledge that kids will do things that drive you crazy than pretend that they are perfect. FAR from it. And I know, because I bask in perfection every day. Just ask Joe.
So here is wishing everyone a very merry.
Now watching: Joe flip through 500 channels and still not find anything to watch.
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