My first thought, why are short weeks always the longest weeks? With Monday being the holiday it just sorta set the whole thing off-kilter a little bit. Didn’t help that I didn’t get nearly as much done on Monday as I wanted to.
You see, as I mentioned we have begun operation Downgrade to Upgrade. So while some would argue that our new place is still a good size place, it is in fact smaller than what we had. By a considerable amount. And in all fairness, the house we were in was pretty effin’ ginourmous for a family of 3. So we have thrown away (2 trips to the city dump). We have Salvo’d – I am sure the many t-shirts we gave away will find a good home. And thrown away more. And yet, my house is still a cluster of the few remaining boxes we are not sure what to do with, more t-shirts and assorted crap than I thought two people could reasonably accumulate in a 12 month time span. Like I think the crap has spawned mini-crap. T-shirts are giving birth to other shirts I have NEVER seen before. How does this happen? Still noodling over that one – not sure I will come to any surefire conclusions on that one. However, once that all gets settled we will move on to Operation Family Budget -- now THAT should be a riot. Details later on that one.
Technology 101
I think it is fair to say that I am a little bit of a techie geek. I don’t necessarily have all the gadgets, etc but I do in fact envy those that do. One area that I have always been willing to spend a little extra on is my cell phone.
Technology 101
I think it is fair to say that I am a little bit of a techie geek. I don’t necessarily have all the gadgets, etc but I do in fact envy those that do. One area that I have always been willing to spend a little extra on is my cell phone.
We don’t have a home phone – got rid of that years ago when it became readily apparent that only telemarketers called it. And I have had a pretty nice phone for the last year plus, but I have really been craving that new Palm Pre. My sister got one right when they came out and I am more than a little jealous. Silly really to crave after something as trivial as a phone, but little materialistic ole’ me can’t help herself.
Last Friday night, my phone sorta stopped working. And by sorta, I mean it stopped working. The screen just went *poof* and that was that. Saturday morning then had me high-tailing it to the cell phone store to figure it all out. Had to get the insurance claim filed for the old phone. They gave me a temporary phone (circa 1998 or something) to use in the iterim and off we went. Now – keep in mind I had no contacts in the temp phone and I was going from a full QWERTY keypad back to the T9 type keypad. And I am a texter – so this hurt. And no, I am not some 12 year old that sends like 5,000 messages a month or anything, but I do a fair share. Probably more than a fair share. Suffice it to say, it set me back a little bit. New phone arrived on Tuesday, so I spent Wednesday at the cell phone store AGAIN to get the loaner phone returned (so long 1998) and get my contacts moved from old broken phone to new shiny next-generation version of same phone.
With one teeny-weeny little snafu.
Seems they couldn’t pull my contacts off the old phone. Says helpful cell-phone sales person, “well you can just pull them off your PC, You do sync your phone with your PC don’t you?” And as he is saying this the self-righteous, I-told-you-so look is starting to permeate his visage.
Me: “Erm, no.”
Queue the angel of death, the knells of the final bells and enter the grim reaper.
You guessed it boys and girls – no contacts for Meghan. And we are talking like, 1.5 years worth of numbers. And I know I am prone to exaggeration, but I am thinking easily 200+ numbers. I don’t even know my Dad’s cell phone number for Pete’s sake. That’s how dependent I have become on my contact list. Of course, I got equally self-righteous back .
Me: “Well, if you offered online back up like other providers did, this wouldn’t be a problem. Maybe I should look into another service provider” The guy just looks at me and with total confidence informs me that no provider can back up smart phones. You have to sync them to a PC. Now this may or may not be true, but he was convincing. I wasn’t however convinced that there was NO way to pull those contacts off the phone, so I went to another store and asked them the same thing. The tech there proceeded to Frankenstein my phone into like, 8 pieces and rebuild it with like 16 parts of other phones and alas – we reached the same end result.
With one teeny-weeny little snafu.
Seems they couldn’t pull my contacts off the old phone. Says helpful cell-phone sales person, “well you can just pull them off your PC, You do sync your phone with your PC don’t you?” And as he is saying this the self-righteous, I-told-you-so look is starting to permeate his visage.
Me: “Erm, no.”
Queue the angel of death, the knells of the final bells and enter the grim reaper.
You guessed it boys and girls – no contacts for Meghan. And we are talking like, 1.5 years worth of numbers. And I know I am prone to exaggeration, but I am thinking easily 200+ numbers. I don’t even know my Dad’s cell phone number for Pete’s sake. That’s how dependent I have become on my contact list. Of course, I got equally self-righteous back .
Me: “Well, if you offered online back up like other providers did, this wouldn’t be a problem. Maybe I should look into another service provider” The guy just looks at me and with total confidence informs me that no provider can back up smart phones. You have to sync them to a PC. Now this may or may not be true, but he was convincing. I wasn’t however convinced that there was NO way to pull those contacts off the phone, so I went to another store and asked them the same thing. The tech there proceeded to Frankenstein my phone into like, 8 pieces and rebuild it with like 16 parts of other phones and alas – we reached the same end result.
The phone wasn’t mostly dead, wasn’t in Davy Jones locker, wasn’t in limbo or any other purgatory like ethereal plane. This baby was D-E-A-D. Full stop. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
The moral of this story boys and girls, is back your shit up. Not in a back that ass up sorta way, nope – get the contacts on a computer, iPod, something, anything that will prevent you from having to send out the “I’m an idiot” email to your entire inbox.
Little Leprechaun Update: He is awesome. Really. Cute as hell. Funny as all get out – and we totally dig him. I should have a link to some new 6 month pictures here shortly. I think they might get me nominated for Mom of the Year or something, stay tuned.
And for your Debbie Downer portion of your programming…
Tuesday marked the 2 year anniversary of my mom’s death. Which is crazy for any number of reasons. I expect there will come a time when it isn’t such a HUGE deal and starts to become another day. Or maybe not. I can still remember every detail of that day. And at the same time sometimes it seems like it was SO long ago. I have said this before, its never the big things that trigger the sadness. Its always the little one. Big days like Christmas, Mothers Day, Tuesday… you are sorta prepping yourself in advance for those. So you manage to insulate a little bit. It doesn’t make them any easier – but I remind myself that in fact the world has continued to revolve. There are good (or great) things in my life and in fact, life does go on. But you still are a little sad, and more than a little glad when the day is over. Thanks to Beth for the offering of ice cream and wine to help the night along. And Joe for just being Joe. Also got the nicest note from Joe’s dad. I have to say, for as sad as it is – you have to celebrate the amazing people that are still in your life and that support us every day. We would be nowhere without them. And I can still hear my mom’s voice telling me to make the most of it and live my life. I still miss her. Every day. Not sure that will ever get any easier.
Deep, cleansing breath
Moving on. I think that about gets us current on this Friday afternoon. I am off to the East coast next week for work. Boys will be running solo, so stop on by and say Hi if you are so inclined. I am sure Joe will want the company. And now I have to go. Its food day at the office and its easily been 30 minutes since I have taken a lap around the buffet offerings.
Now Listening: To my iPod on shuffle – moving to Big Head Todd & The Monsters
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