Make sure you get the gifts ordered on time from the online store.
Make sure you get cards ahead of time to have a remote chance at one that isn't either DUMB or too sappy.
Don't forget gift wrap for the ONE gift you did manage to get ahead of time.
These are a few of the things that I learned this weekend. We had a really great time. I will get the pictures downloaded sometime this week. I will say this though...
It was HOT
Oh, and thank goodness we managed to get seats in the shade. Joe had a blast, even though the Royals lost. We saw Pujols hit a grand slam and ANOTHER home run before I left at the 7th inning.
Finn hung in there all things considered. It was, as I mentioned, HOT. But it was the noise of all the people that caused more issue than anything.
All in all a great first fathers day weekend.
Oh -- and one other thing that I learned (re-confirmed?) -- they say you should dress age appropriately. Which for the most part, I agree with. But I have never heard anyone say you should hair style age-appropriate.
But you should. Trust me. If you are 50+ years old, pig tails should be off limits.
Now Listening: To Finn scream. Good times.
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