Clearly I don't have an issue saying what's on my mind.
And clearly, there are few topics that I won't touch in my ramblings.
I feel that is ok as this is a place for me to dump the contents of my brain and people can choose to read or not.
Unlike, say TV.
And there are those that would argue, if you don't like what you are watching, change the channel.
Makes sense.
Except when it is a commercial that is the cause of the WTF? eyebrow raising moment.
I mean unless, you have TiVO, you can't fast forward through the commercials.
Perhaps you have seen this one.
Women are shown walking around from various activities. Leaving the tennis courts, the show, running get the idea.
And as each on walks by a bush, it changes shapes. And then you realize its a commercial for an electric razor and trimmer and we are infer that the shapes that the bush changed into as the respective woman walked by is well.... yeah.
Don't get me wrong, I am all about keeping stuff cleaned up and well manicured. However, the blatant broadcasting of said preferences as a marketing tool seems a little, well, gross.
And it certainly isn't going to make me run out and by said trimmer.
Have I lost it?
Well, I mean specific to this topic.
Now Listening: How We Operate by Gomez
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