No, I don't believe it. And there is more than one thing on your mind?
Blasphemy she says.
So - we start with the last weekend.
Finn & I took his first road trip down to see his Grandpa and Aunts. And to spend Courtney's birthday with her. Little dude was a champ on the drive down. Is a three hour trip - sorta like that three hour tour that stranded Gilligan -- moving on...
Fed him and hit the road. He slept the WHOLE time. Didn't blink until we crossed the bridge into the LV. And he started wailing as I crossed from the LV into Lansing. Now, at this point, I am 7-10 minutes from my Dad's house. I am not gonna pull over and feed him when I am that close. Rather than do that, I decided I should rationalize with him. Makes perfect sense. What 7 week old doesn't understand what his mom is saying to him??
But, like I said, couldn't complain. Got the car into park and made a mad dash into the house to feed the screaming munchkin.
My dad had a flash of brilliance and decided to have a little open house on Saturday. Saved me from having to drive all over town to show off the little guy. Got to see all my Mom's friends and quite a few of my dads. I think there was easily a 2 to 3 hour period where I didn't touch Finn at all. He was a champ. Ended up sleeping through most of it, but hey -- thats his way of dealing.
After that insanity -- good insanity, but insanity anyway -- I promised him we would take it easy on Sunday.
That will teach me about promising things to him.
Sunday should have been an easy day of hanging out before hitting the road and coming home and chilling out with Joe.
But instead it was pre-historic-kiddie-meteor-shower hell.
Let me 'splain.
My dad says to me on Saturday - "Hey, we were going to get some brunch with Karen (his girlfriend) and her daughter-in-law and grandkids. You should join us". Being a nice daughter, I agreed that it would be a nice thing to do and I should play nice with the new version of extend a family. Whatevs... unbeknownst to me, the extend-a-family had chosen the restaurant. Understand that I am a pretty anti-chain kind of diner. I will go when needed but not really a fan and tend to avoid at all costs if I can. So when they say to me, we are going to "T-REX" I don't think too much of it. Like that is a nickname or something.
Its kiddie restaurant hell. Its full of animatronic, growling life-size dinosaurs. Check it out yourself here. You get seated by a tour guide. Rooms are divided into themes -- the ancient sea, the ice age... etc. Kids are encouraged to walk around. The room we were in had a giant triceratops and every 30 minutes or so, the "meteor shower" that killed all the dinosaurs happens. Think seizure inducing rave-like light show and you get the idea. We also had a giant fish tank that had a Dorie and Nemo fish in it. Which with kids encouraged to walk around, resulted in several 4 year olds running up to it, screaming "DORIE! NEMO!" and hitting the crap out of the glass. And the food wasn't that good. My theory was that the bar does really well. If I was an adult in there, I would try and drink myself into oblivion as well. And I know you are thinking, "Meghan, you are an adult" Yes, however I had to drive 3 hours and I am nursing. Its the double threat that kept me from several Bloody Mary's.
Let's just say that I won't be doing that again any time soon.
Ever, ever.
We also had Finn's first ever St. Patricks day this week. That was pretty good stuff. I mean, I don't think I will be up for the mom-of-the-year awards after bringing a kid into a bar. But if there is one day that you can get away with it, its Patty's day dammit. And we had not one, but two outfits for him. And we ended up needing both of them as we had a blow-out that required a costume change. And I mean, how cute is this:
Oh, backtracking -- Happy Birthday to Courtney. I did get a chance to go out for dinner with her and a few of her friends. Which was a good time. Sushi is always a good thing. And I got to leave Finn with my dad for the evening. So a few hours of girl time was well enjoyed.
That should about catch us up with the current life and times of Meghan.
Summing up:
St Patricks Day -still a good time with a kid in tow
Kiddie Themed Dinosaur Resturants - painful. Like, bamboo slivers under the fingernails painful.
Finn - still the cutest little leprechaun on the planet.
Now Watching: The Colbert Report
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