We had our last birthing class last night!
Can't believe it has been 6 weeks.
Holy crap, here's hoping we don't forget everything in the next 6 weeks.
The entire last night was spent in two ways. One: a full blown labor dry-run and Two: touring the maternity ward.
Let's just say that if I can squeeze the entire labor process into one hour like we did last night, I am SO golden.
It was a 14 hour process shrunk down into 1 hour. Not likely that it is going to go that fast.
Nope. I am mentally preparing myself for the full blown 14+ hours just to make sure.
But we spent the hour breathing, changing positions and getting massaged. Here's hoping it sticks.
We also got our Christmas tree last night.
It was a busy day at our house.
A full 8' Douglas Fir now resides in my living room. It smells awesome. We went out to the tree farm to pick it up so its nice and fresh. Now there is the small issue of lights and getting it decorated. That is the plan for the next few nights. Oh, and making sure the cats stay off and/or away from it. They seemed pretty un-interested last night. Which struck me as fairly odd, but it was still standing this morning. I view this as a good sign.
What else? It snowed some more this morning. Which translated into a 10 minute commute becoming a 40 minute commute. Seems people forgot how to drive. I don't think I hit more than 35 MPH on the interstate this morning.
Keep in mind, I am not talking a blizzard here. Maybe, key word: MAYBE, 2" of snow overnight.
But it freaked people out. On the upside, it has stopped snowing. The sun is out. Which is awesome, as it will start to melt just in time to freeze overnight and we get to do it all over again tomorrow morning.
I should have more snarky comments on the state of the world today, but I just can't seem to get motivated, so I will go back to work. Whee.
Now Listening: Change Is Gonna Come by Leela James
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