Thursday, October 09, 2008

Full, pink and pissed off

I know, I know. I have been a bad, bad blogger. My excuses for what they are worth, and in no particular order:

  • Lack of sleep. I have been battling some serious insomnia the last few days.

  • Work has been loco. Which at this point I am sure you are sick of hearing about, but the last week/week and a half has been off the charts.

  • Slow build up of stories to share with you all.

  • Motivation. Not gonna lie. Throw all the previous issues together and I just haven't even turned on the computer when I get home.

Feel free to let the ensuing judgement begin.
Good. Moving on.
We will start with a little leprechaun update.
Dr's appt on Tuesday. Had to take a glucose test. Which is a test for gestational diabetes. It consists of the pregnant woman drinking a glucose filled liquid and getting blood drawn at a certain time after you drink it.
Does everyone remember that scene in "Elf" when he chugs the bottle of maple syrup?
Yeah - this stuff is like that, except I don't love syrup the way Buddy the Elf does. But you have to chug it. The whole 20oz bottle has to be consumed in 5 minutes.
So, it was sorta like drinking orange flavored syrup.
Word. Oh, and I passed. So that is the good news.
On to the other pertinent details.
Little man is good. Heart rate came in at 140 BPM. I am measuring right at 26 weeks. And he is moving around just like he is supposed to.
I have gained a whooping 5 lbs this month. Eek. That puts my total weight gain at 12 lbs.
And as we have entered that mystical, magical time frame known as the "Last Trimester", we get to go from monthly appointments to appointments every 2-3 weeks.
And we get to do this for about the next 10 weeks and then we go to WEEKLY appointments.
The OBGYN is my new best friend.

In other munchkin news, the great music experiment isn't really getting me far. As was mentioned in an earlier post, he likes music. Specifically at this point, Radiohead. So I have been making a point of listening to all sorts of genres as loud as possible to see if they warrant a similar reaction.
More brit pop (Amy Winehouse) -- nothing.
Alt-Country (Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash) - nothing.
Rap (Missy Elliott) - nothing
Alternative (Peter, Bjorn & John) -- nothing.
Last night, got to go see The Kooks here in town - more Brit pop. First, totally stoked that we are getting good bands here. That is a great move forward for DSM.
The real test was, will little man react the same to loud music this time as he did before.
During the first set, the answer was no. During the second, he did get a movin'.
I will continue this experiment in the following weeks as we are going to see Ray LaMontagne in about 10 days and I just found out that Dropkick Murphy's are coming to town in November.
Figure I might as well get the shows in now, as post January, those will be a fleeting, distant memory.
Pleased to report that in a nice gender role switch, Joe's friends threw HIM a surprise baby shower on Sunday. And they made him play games. Which, I would have paid good money to see. Still waiting on the pictures. But we got some really nice stuff, and plenty of Bears gear to start down that path.
The only down side was HE got to have drinks at his shower. I will not.
But short lived, and dealing with it.

In the category of public affairs/political news:
Was watching the Presidential debates earlier this week. The outcome of the debates for me didn't really change anything. I do wish to hell that they would actually ANSWER THE QUESTION that is asked of them at the time. Drove me crazy. Or the answer was so buried (most of the time) in a bunch of rhetoric.
The thing that really got under my skin during the debate was a little segue they made prior to the debate starting. I was watching CNN and my buddy Wolfe Blitzer cuts to a picture of the White House bathed in pink lights.
For a reason.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Pink is the official color of the Awareness effort -- you all have seen the pink ribbons, even on NFL refs this month.
So, our President lights his "house" in pink for the night to show his commitment to curing breast cancer.
Here's an idea you backward man -- allow for stem cell research to continue. Don't set there and tell me that you are committed to a cure, make some hollow PR move like coloring the White House for the night and then cut the arms off the scientific community that is trying like hell to understand and cure this disease.
Can you tell it pissed me off?
**steps off soapbox**

And in my last rant for the day.
I am damned when it comes to Customer Service.
Which I find odd, as I did my time in Customer Service hell. My first "adult" job out of college was a customer service/sales position with the phone company. Yeah, the people you hate to call. I was called every name in the book, insulted in more ways than you can imagine and told more than I care to recall that I was just a "peon" and had no real ability to get anything done. Worked wonders for the self esteem. Suffice it to say, I think that I earned a cosmic get out of jail card with all subsequent customer service people.
Not so.
It has taken me 6 weeks to get our stinkin' HDTV/DVR box to the house. 6 weeks. 4 phone calls to the cable company and many, many minutes wasted away on hold. And so Joe went to get the box this week, got it plugged in and the HD channels didn't work. And they wouldn't talk to Joe because he was not authorized to do anything on the account. So I had to call. And yes -- another 20 minutes on hold and a tech that didn't know what he was doing. Only to have to schedule a tech to come out. With a four hour window of time.
So while I am waiting for the tech to call me, Homemakers -- one of the local furniture stores -- calls to tell me that the BOXSPRINGS I had ordered where going to be another week late.
Let's break this down.
We had an extra bed. We have room in the part of the attic that is finished off. So, make an extra room for guests. Well, since it is an attic, the queen sized box springs wouldn't fit up the stairwell. So, I had to go buy a split box springs. Nothing special, nothing high end. Just a wooden frame with some fabric around it.
But apparently, you need at least a month to get one ordered. It had better be here before the Race for the Cure, or we are gonna have people sleeping on the floor.
So then the tech called, went home, spent an hour working on the HD issue only to be told that basically with the type of TV we have --- its not going to work as is.
Good, good technology times.
And to think, I just wanted to watch some football with a really clear picture.

And to top it all off, we have reached a new milestone in the whole being pregnant thing.
As little leprechaun gets bigger, the stomach takes more room. Which means my insides, and more importantly, my assorted organs are getting all moved around. Including my stomach.
Yeah -- one regular sized meal is enough to send me into misery for a good hour or so.
Who ever got the whole "pregnant women eat all the time" rumor started, is full of it.
No way.
No room.
So working on the smaller, more frequent meals.

Now Watching: A non-HD version of Project Runway Part I of the finale.

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