Hope that spring fever has caught you all and you are sitting on a patio somewhere with appropriate cocktail in hand enjoying the soothing breezes of spring.
Damn - I should be a writer or something.
What's new you ask? Well, let me tell you.
First big Dirty 30 shout out to my girl Liz G. She rang in the new decade in total style on Saturday with a darn close to perfect score at pub golf. Yep. We started at 3 Pm -- and I believe the party went on into the wee hours of the morning. There were coozies, faux-tattoos and a party bus that was janky as shit, but awesome. Oh, and for those of you that didn't know - Des Moines IS FunCapital USA.

That's right.
I did however, have to bow out of the festivities before the end due to the fact that I had to be on the road no later than 6:30 AM on Sunday. I would like to say, that up to the 4th hole -- I was right up there on the leader board.
For those of you that have never played Pub Golf - it goes something like this. Each "hole" is a bar. Each bar has a Par associated with it (naturally) and certain combinations of drinks will get you Eagles, Holes In One, Par, Bogies and the dreaded snowman. We even had score cards. And I was able to find, possibly the most hysterical bit of bathroom graffiti I have seen in recent memory. 

Oh yeah - that took some thinking.
But back to my previous comment, yes, you read that right -- I was up at 5:30 AM on Sunday to head back home for Mother's Day. I figured it was going to be a pretty crappy day anyway, so might as well be crappy with family. They did Mass for my mom and then we did dinner at the house.
And as expected it was a rather bitter-sweet day. For the record, my TV almost took a flying leap out of the window several times in the days preceding Mother's Day. Why? Concern over the switch to digital? Fed up with the liberal/conservative bias in the news? Not enough Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert in my life?
No - it was the overwhelming surplus of mother's day commercials.
I shall say no more.
Nothing new to report on the dating scene. Remains the same ole' same ole'. And by same ole' same ole' I mean the vast dessert like abyss that is Des Moines single person scene.
Good times. Good single times.
I feel I should have way more to share with the group -- but I am drawing a blank. Probably because of the raging headache I have.
So -- get back to that patio and have Raul bring you another cocktail.
Now Listening: World Without Tears by Lucinda Williams
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