"So and so got attacked by the goose today"
Allow me to 'splain.
I work out in the burbs -- one of those business park types that try really hard with paths, ponds and landscaping to make you think that you are not really working.
Good try, but doesn't really work.
Anyhew - all these ponds attract a good number of water fowl.
Pretty much year round.
And I have been told that geese will nest in the same place year in and year out when they have their little geese babies -- ducklings? is that right? dunno. moving on.
It seems that one of these devoted geese couples has chosen an area in our parking lot for the aforementioned nesting. Last year they were in the circle around the flag poles, so they just threw up some caution tape and no worries. This year they have chosen a little tree on one of the medians near the visitor parking. Which is also right next to the really choice parking spots in the lot. The guy goose, excuse me GANDER, gets a smidge territorial when you get too close his baby mommma.
He waddles near you, flapping his wings, hissing and honking. If you are ready for it, it's actually kinda comical. If you don't know what is going on, its freaky and odd.
So the scoop on the goose attack is this.
One of the older women who I work with was coming in on Wednesday morning. She is one of those people that get here at like, 6 AM, leave at 3 PM types -- frankly, I think that is insane, but clearly that is another conversation. So, as you would expect at 6 AM it's dark. The parking lot, empty and she gets out of her car, has bags in both her hands and starts walking to the door when all the sudden she feels something on her back, to which she screams, and then feels something biting her head.
Yes, the goose flew up and started pecking her noggin.
Now, at 6 AM in an empty, dark parking lot, I am sure I would have done the same thing -- namely freaked the hell out.
Of course, once people started filling the building, at slightly more sane times of say, 7 AM, the facilities team was notified and they have now put up a couple of orange cones in the kick-ass parking spaces to prevent people from further, erm, attacks.

So there you go. I am of course, at work right now. Another long weekend of deployment goodness. However, planning on avoiding the insane 60 hours in 3 days work load.
Keep your fingers crossed.
Now Listening: David Gray Lost Songs by David Gray
baby geese = gosslings, as in Ryan Gossling
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