When you have to set your alarm for 7 AM on both Saturday and Sunday -- it makes Monday really crappy. And it is already so my not favorite day of the week, so this is like insult to injury.
Oh, and it snowed all day yesterday. And all the slushy goodness froze overnight. And today we have arctic -- not kidding, wind chill is -10 -- winds blowing all the snow around.
I am SO over winter.
I have officially given up on shoveling my driveway. I don't have a city side walk so, no worries on getting a ticket for that. And for some reason the driveway gnomes haven't been keeping up on their end of the work load. Same for the invisible boyfriend. He really needs to start pulling his weight.
In lieu of either one of those things actually getting my driveway clean, I am going with Plan C:
Just going to plow over the snow with the bug and take my chances on my ability to get in & out of the garage.
At the rate we are going, it will be May before I see the driveway.
We had our Baby Brunch for Martine on Sunday -- weather be damned. We had a good time and of course, I have lots of leftovers, so if you are craving brunch for dinner, my house, tonight, after 6:30 --- I will get pictures posted tonight of yesterday's activites. Does that make sense?
No news on the dating front.
I am getting a little peeved at the Executive Iowa peeps -- I mean, for all the $$ that gets spent on a membership, I would have thought to have had at least a date by now. Haven't had a single email. Meanwhile, every other commercial on TV is for another online service. Coupled with some poignant story about this uber-cute couple that can't keep their hands of each other.
I think I need to just win the lottery, move to Ireland and find myself a cute irishman named Seamus or Ferghal or something and live in a cute cottage.
Now, if I could only get the inside track on the next set of lottery numbers, I would be in good shape.
Ok, I need to get back to work. One of those days where I have a ton to do, and can't seem to get motivated to do any of it.
Good Times.
Now Listening: Let It Die by Feist
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