I am taking the yearly "security" exam today at work for my government access. The usual, don't surf porn, don't take confidential info out of the building, don't forward viruses, don't think for yourself -- that sort of thing.
At the end of the review is a test. One must pass with at least an 80% to keep your access. This was one of the questions...
"You receive an email from a friend with the Hot Bodies 2008 calendar attached to it. You open the attachment and discover that the bodies are partially clothed. Since they are not totally nude, you decide to forward it on to some co-workers that would enjoy it as much as you. This is acceptable for the Sexual Harassment Policy and email attachment policy: True/False"
That was actually the freakin' question. I laughed. A lot.
That more than anything tells me how effective our government is.
Good times. Good, Hot Bodies 08' times.
Now Listening: Speak for Yourself by Imogen Heap
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