Friday, October 26, 2007

Well I feel better

I just read this article on And it has to be true because it was on the internet. Nobody makes stuff up on the internet.
See -- read it here and see why I don't feel so bad about my adult beverage habit. This has also re-affirmed my degree in history. History can be fun kids!! Full of adventure and drinking stories.

Had dinner with Gary last night. I told him he was pushing too hard and we needed to step back about 8 steps. I don't think he was very happy about it, but I was not going to let this crazy ass juggernaut keep moving forward like this. Its like I told my sister, if this is going to happen, it needs to happen on its on, not because it was forced.
Of course, he HAD wanted me to take today off, and stay in town last night. I put the kebosh on that thought right quick. He did send an email later last night when he got back to nebraksa about being "friends" and what that meant for him.
Ugh. Seriously, I think his head needs an off switch.

And for your weekly bowling segment....
84 & 107.
So, it would seem things are looking up in that department.
Or I got lucky.
But, the new ball comes in next week so maybe that will be the magic pill.
Here's hoping.

Now Listening: Not A Pretty Girl by Ani DiFranco

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