For whatever reason known to mankind -- or womankind, the bathrooms in my office have scales in them. I don't even OWN a scale in my bathroom at home, so why they are here is a mystery. Clearly the scale and I are not BFF. Or F. or even A (acquaintances).
Now the aforementioned scales in the office are the newer digital ones. Thus, they require a battery. I was in the ladies room this morning when this woman walks in with a total look of determination on her face. And some batteries in her hand. Seems the scale in the bathroom on this wing, on this floor had used up all its juice.
Side note: do people really weigh themselves that often at work to run the batteries down?
Additional side note: Just because this one scale was not working still left FIVE other ones she could have checked. Yes - they are in every "main" bathroom on every floor. Working for the health care industry in any capacity means you should be healthy. At least that is the message I get. Which is funny because there are countless people here that clearly are not.
Back on topic...
So, she replaces the batteries, waits for it to kick in and steps on the scale. She then gets angry at the scale and starts muttering under her breath. All the while I am thinking, if you didn't want to see what the results were, why on God's green earth did you replace the freakin' batteries in the first place?
I mean come on! If you know that you are going to get mad, just walk away. No one is forcing you to step on it just because you changed the batteries. I know I didn't.
And then walking out I saw a woman start to push the handicap button so she wouldn't have to push open the door 2 ft. in front of her. Granted, from what I could tell all her appendages were working, so not entirely sure why the motion of pushing a door was that taxing.
Sad commentary on the work environment today.
Now Listening: Back to Black by Amy Winehouse
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